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View Full Version : Extreme dizziness? Setraline withdrawal?

25-11-15, 20:08
Lately I've been doing very well with my anxiety and haven't had a panic attack in months. I'm on 50 mg Setraline but haven't taken it in about 4 days because I ran out and can't get a doctor's appt until Monday. Today I have had extreme dizziness that comes in rushes and electric jolts throughout my body. This is sparking my anxiety and I'm wondering if this could be withdrawal from my meds? I was on a very low dose(only 50 mg) and I thought the withdrawal wouldn't be this bad in such a low dosage

25-11-15, 20:24
It's more than likley withdrawal,you should never stop these meds suddenly but should withdraw slowly.you could go back on the same dose stabilise and the come off it slowly

26-11-15, 11:01
I'm also on sertaline 50mg but haven't started the course yet because I'm concerned about the side effects. Did you get any? Do you feel better on them ?

26-11-15, 20:27
I'm also on sertaline 50mg but haven't started the course yet because I'm concerned about the side effects. Did you get any? Do you feel better on them ?

Hi Daniel I've been on sert twice I didn't get many side effects and they helped lift my depression,I found them easy to get on and off
They did disturb my sleep though so when I felt better I came off them
Don't worry about taking them,I used to pretend they were vitamin pills

28-11-15, 00:19
Defo withdrawals! If I went a day without my anti d's I would get a very strange intense spacey, dizzy head anytime I moved slightly. So if you have gone 4 days with none you are guaranteed to feel shit! You should never stop like that for a few days,
Have any of you had any bad experiences on sertraline? I am thinking about starting this as from what I have read it is the one with the least bad effect on the heart. Im getting panic attacks anytime I leave my house now so it aint good. Antidepressants seem to stop the panic attacks, not sure how this actually works? Looks like I am going to be on these meds forever and who knows what its doing to our bodies

02-12-15, 04:54
Sorry for the late reply. I've found that sertraline has really helped my anxiety, and I haven't had any side effects besides the withdrawal symptoms. I still haven't taken my sertraline. I had an appt with my doctor and told her I was ready to come off it, but she told me that because I'm on the lowest dosage (50 mg) I didn't have to taper. Granted she's not a psychiatrist, just a regular gp. I'm having some horrible symptoms but I'm not sure if it's withdrawal since my gp said I shouldn't have any. I've been getting extreme dizziness and sleepiness, and it is really affecting my daily life. Is this still withdrawal? Should I go back on it for a bit and taper even though it's a low dose?

02-12-15, 07:40
its withdrawal,doctors should know better,you should always taper off slowly