View Full Version : my head is going to explode!

25-11-15, 21:57
Lately my head feels so heavy. I way over think, I give myself headaches. Then when my head hurts I over think that I am going to die. I have a severe fear of death recently and this all triggered off when a family member killed themsleves. I have good days and bad days. I'm just fed up of feeling like this. I do feel much better though when I have a good diet and exercise and sleep though, so maybe I should stick to doing that. Anyone with the same types of anxiety?

25-11-15, 22:04
Hiya amelie18 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

26-11-15, 07:59
I think you're totally right about the diet and exercise x. I've also found that this page helps me - because I'm not on my own? Have you spoken to your doctor at all? X

26-11-15, 16:00
Yes I am on tablets for the anxiety but I do get anxious about taking them, lol I can't win right! It def is a comfort to know were not alone, but horrible to know that others get these feelings at the same time x

26-11-15, 16:13

welcome to the site

hope it's useful to you

26-11-15, 17:17
Hello thank you, its already done wonders to offload some of my worries x

28-11-15, 05:20
Have you been laying in bed alot, or possibly high blood pressure? I get horrible tension headaches but they ain't gonna kill ya. They might make you wish you were. Try taking a hot shower in the pitch black dark. Works for me when I have them bad. Also these little smart phones are great way to induce a headache. I can't look at mine for long without having to take a break.