View Full Version : Aching pain around mole?

26-11-15, 06:34

So I've had a tiny mole on my left arm which hasn't changed. And I've had pain in that area (not always on the mole but often the area around it). It feels somewhat dull and all.

I've gone to the GP once and he said it looked benign to him and asked whether there have been any 'changes' to the mole. So far there haven't been changes but there's been pain on and off (probably several episodes) the past few years or so.

Just wondering if I should be worried about this? Cause I know I sohuldn't google this but it all points to melanoma/skin cancer :(

26-11-15, 18:37
Don't like when someone gets no replies, hope the worry has eased. Honestly, it would never cross my mind if a mole wasn't scabby and bleeding etc that the ache was coming from the actual mole. Sounds unrelated to the mole, imo and I wouldn't worry X

29-11-15, 07:40
Thanks a lot daisyflower. It's not in pain atm - it just comes and goes !
Hope you're doing well.