View Full Version : Really worried :-((( shoulder tingling

26-11-15, 13:36
Hi, for 18 months I have been getting a tingling sensation in my right shoulder blade when ever I wash up , make a drink , or anything where I have arms out in front like getting toddler dressed , also occurs when I carry him , the tingling doesn't last long at all and has moved from the inner side of the blade to the top of the blade .

I have been worried about this for months now , i have severe health anxiety now and and thinking the worse . Neck Xray just showed "muscle spasms " , been to chiro lots of times and it's still happening and I'm just plain scared it's something horrible :-( anyone help me please ? Xx

29-11-15, 19:31
Hey there,
I know that feeling well. I feel like i live my life in dread :-( What are you scared it is? Have you googled? If you haven't please don't, every time i do it ends in a meltdown.
I'm having a lot of muscle aches and pains at the moment and everyone keeps saying it's anxiety so maybe yours is? Schedule another gp visit and tell them your concerns?