View Full Version : Little update. Spoke to my gp again regarding dizziness.

26-11-15, 15:09
He said its anxiety he could hear I was anxious. I said yes about the symptoms I hate this dizziness, if the floor moving feeling went I wouldn't be anxious like this . He said its anxiety. I cried saying I was afraid I have a brain tumour and I'd collapse and he said no I did all tests and you were fine. He said its my anxiety making me fear that.

He said rest assured I tested you for any brain symptoms. He said I'm causing alot of panic which causes more dizziness. I told him today I can't walk round, I feel sick, weak and ill. Even just going to the loo I feel awful. He said yes your husband said you had 3 hours sleep last night and are not eating meals.

He also said you sound worse since Monday but if a brain tumour you wouldn't deteriorate in 4 days. So I don't need to check you again honestly. I did all the tests and you passed them all find.

He said my blood pressure was good which again indicates nothing is wrong in my brain.

So im to do my cbt and rest but keep pottering about about but today im feeling more dizzy and ill from lack of sleep and being so anxious. I'm worried why I walk around and feel the floor moving qnd feel dizzy from it. I panic I will fall to the ground and it's everytime I walk around. He said well I think you're bringing that on fromm anxiety and stress and it's not your fault.

I'm to call him Monday if I feel no better but he said he's not concerned. How can I relax? 😢 he said its health anxiety running wild. I haven't suffered in many years but I can't apply what I learnt because when I walk around I feel so dizzy like the ground beneath me I'd moving and I go light headed and panic I will fall to the ground. I'm now on top having anxiety 24/7 and feel sick, shaky, panicky, can't sleep or eat properly. I wasn't this bad Monday agyre he checked me. But I said to him it's because the dizziness is constant when walking around. I'm afraid it won't ever go and it's been a week now:weep:

dizzy daisy
26-11-15, 16:34
Hi Bonni. He's right it's all anxiety. It's a horrible witch of a thing. It will subside hunny but it all takes a while unfortunately for us we have to endure these nasty symptoms and it makes it hard because it makes us feel so poorly we think about it more and more and get ourselves into more of a tizz. Xxxx

26-11-15, 16:35
People have given you good advice in your last thread and you've spoken to your doctor a few times. Can you really not see this is anxiety? Your GP is 100% right, if it was a disease or illness, you would not deteriorate this quickly.

Lack of food can wreak havoc within the body, lack of sleep can wreak havoc within the body, put them both together and you're asking for serious problems. Again, I've been through it all. I literally thought I was dying until I realised I had barely been eating because I felt so sick and was getting about an hour of sleep per night. Every time I forced food into my body I felt myself 'come back' for an hour or so. You have to eat and sleep. Whilst not healthy at all, try and find the most calorie dense foods you can and just eat it. Make an egg and bacon sandwich or order a pizza. Try and take a sleeping tablet if you can't sleep. Again, only short term but I guarantee you'll feel better. Are you atleast drinking water? Dehydration can also cause a whole load of problems.

I've said this a few times on here, I also get this dizziness and it's 100% worse if I haven't slept or eaten properly. It's not as bad as your's but I can guarantee you that you'd feel so much better with proper rest and proper food.

Did you watch that video I linked in your old thread? She suffered with this type of dizziness for a long time. She believed she had all sorts wrong with her, she was terrified to simply get up and walk to another room. Guess what? She's fine now.

26-11-15, 17:43
Thanks Daisy

I'm finding it so hard to believe this is anxiety because I feel awful walking round. Like I might fall to the floor. The floor is moving under my feet and like I will topple over. It's so scary. On top of that I'm now badly fatigued and weak from not eating and barely any sleep last night. Plus all the high anxiety I am guessing is making me feel 10 times worse.

I know I have to trust him. I'm just finding it hard to not feat how I feel and everytime I walk around I feel terribl and I panic. I end up crying with high anxiety pumping around my body.

I've managed a weight watchers meals tonight. Tiny portion but it's a start.

Thanks for your support.

B x

Hi Bonni. He's right it's all thabks Daistanxiety. It's a horrible witch of a thing. It will subside hunny but it all takes a while unfortunately for us we have to endure these nasty symptoms and it makes it hard because it makes us feel so poorly we think about it more and more and get ourselves into more of a tizz. Xxxx

---------- Post added at 17:43 ---------- Previous post was at 17:41 ----------

Hi 2 Anxious

I watched it at 4am and yes its a fab video thank you. I will watch it again tonight.

My meds are a sedative and usually u sleep.soundly. I only got 3 hours last night and today I feel lile I have a hangover.

I know I should trust him..I'm just finding it hard to believe it like I jist said to Daisy I feel so bad when I walk I can't believe anxiety is the cause.

Thabks for yout reply. I really appreciate it.

B x

UOTE=2Anxious;1495578]People have given you good advice in your last thread and you've spoken to your doctor a few times. Can you really not see this is anxiety? Your GP is 100% right, if it was a disease or illness, you would not deteriorate this quickly.

Lack of food can wreak havoc within the body, lack of sleep can wreak havoc within the body, put them both together and you're asking for serious problems. Again, I've been through it all. I literally thought I was dying until I realised I had barely been eating because I felt so sick and was getting about an hour of sleep per night. Every time I forced food into my body I felt myself 'come back' for an hour or so. You have to eat and sleep. Whilst not healthy at all, try and find the most calorie dense foods you can and just eat it. Make an egg and bacon sandwich or order a pizza. Try and take a sleeping tablet if you can't sleep. Again, only short term but I guarantee you'll feel better. Are you atleast drinking water? Dehydration can also cause a whole load of problems.

I've said this a few times on here, I also get this dizziness and it's 100% worse if I haven't slept or eaten properly. It's not as bad as your's but I can guarantee you that you'd feel so much better with proper rest and proper food.

Did you watch that video I linked in your old thread? She suffered with this type of dizziness for a long time. She believed she had all sorts wrong with her, she was terrified to simply get up and walk to another room. Guess what? She's fine now.[/QUOTE]

dizzy daisy
26-11-15, 18:08
That great that you're trying to eat something now. It's important. Xxxx

28-11-15, 14:32
Thanks Daisy

Still struggling to accept it.

It's eased a little, yesterday was a better day and today I went to Aldi with hubby and I managed it. So I am facing it but still worried sick. Hubby said huge improvement because I couldn't leave my bed all week!

It's just walking around. I feel my vision is a little hazy and my head feels too heavy for my neck and feel off balance in my head now too? Swear it's due to how heavy my head feels. Legs still feel waking on a boat but it's mainly now my head feels heavy all down the back. Freaks me walking round and I feel a rush of panic when it happens. Trying to just accept it and carry on but still worrying brain tumour or something.

Argh I just wish it would go.
That great that you're trying to eat something now. It's important. Xxxx