View Full Version : Blood tests results back - thyroid a bit on the high side but underactive symptoms!!!

Female healthanxiety
26-11-15, 22:00

Hi guys

This is my post from yesterday.

I feel absolutely awful, especially the last 2 days - I've been waking up with a continuos fast heart rate, and is making me tired just making something to eat. Sleep is not helping, well rarely does, I feel like my throat hurts from the constant fast heart rate.

I phoned for my blood test results today and my dr wasn't in but as I know the practice staff I begged him just to have a look.

He said from the looks of it, organs are all fine, vitamin d is 30 (normal range is 50+) but he said it's not really low.

Then I asked about my thyroid which is the main one I was waiting for as all my symptoms, tiredness, weight gain, heart palps, chest pains, panic attacks, sleeping for hours.

He said that my thyroid looks a little high!!!!! I've been terrible all day but he said don't worry and phone my dr tomorrow.

I don't have any symptoms relating to a high thyroid!!!!! Even my Dr was concerned I have put on 1stone since August this year and was in agreement to do my bloods and see if it's low.

Every year my thyroid is border line now.....

26-11-15, 22:27
he said don't worry and phone my dr tomorrow.

Which is HA talk for PANIC! ;) Relax if you can and speak with your doctor tomorrow.

Positive thoughts

dizzy daisy
26-11-15, 22:41
Don't worry hunny. Speak to your dr tomorrow. Listen what's good news is that nothing serious has been flagged up. the lab normally flag up anything urgent for your surgery to contact you. Most of the country are a little low on vit d, a supplement will sort that. If- and that's s big IF your thyroid results are on the high side then that's easily sorted too with medication. Blood results have a normal range but as I was reminded recently, not everyone fits into the 'normal range'. I was called back a few years back saying my prolactin level was a little high. I worried over that as I didn't even think I was getting my prolactin checked for one. When I went in to discuss it they said actually someone had been a little over zealous calling me back fur a repeat as they would not consider that result high. I had it re done anyway and all was fine xxxx

Female healthanxiety
26-11-15, 23:36
Hi daisy,

How are you and how is work going for you?

Yea I had a vitamin d deficiency a year ago so wasn't surprised also given the season change. Let's hope that forms some relief with at least a couple of the symptoms.

I'm just so worried, I've noticed that my heart race is always high even like just walking up stairs, but have always put it down to being a tad unfit and anxiety.

I could understand if it was low but high, is just ridiculous, I've been reading up on it and if I had to take thyroxine for an overactive it would make my symptoms 10x worse!!!!

What is prolactin?

Thanks for your reply fishmanpa- I will call tomorrow, but just fearing now.

dizzy daisy
27-11-15, 07:25
Aww don't worry as there might not be anything to worry about hunny. Was the person at the surgery medically trained to interpret results? Sometimes reading looks a little high or even a little low but when you look at all the test results together a doctor (or nurse) looks at all of them together in conjunction with your medical history to make a judgement. Like I say what's considered high for one person isn't always high for another.
If you do have thyroid issues it can be addressed. I know people who have overactive and under active thyroid issues and they each are treated successfully with medication. Speak to your GP as soon as you can today and then you'll know for sure and can hopefully be reassured.
Prolactin is a hormone produced by a gland at the base of the brain. See I was told mine was high and had days of panic until i could go for a retest and then that dr said I'd been caused unnecessary worry as it wasn't actually high. I was retested anyway and it came back well within the 'normal range'. Dr explained that tests are influenced can by lots of different factors. I hadn't eaten that morning and was in a panic about having the test. He said actually both of these things can make that particular test look high.
Take care and let us know how you go on xxx