View Full Version : my anxiety jumps around...

27-11-15, 09:51
This time last year I was worried that my house had subsidence (it didn't) before that I worried about global warming and before that the idea that Russia was going to go to war in Europe. Now I'm worrying that Muslims are trying to take over Europe. These aren't just 'worries' but an all consuming fear that make me, for short periods, just focus entirely on that. All the joy drains out of my life.

I'm actually quite a rational person but my anxiety takes over and I can't function. I spent last night until 3am reading about ISIS etc.

My life quality has really deteriorated over the last 3 years. Any advice?

27-11-15, 12:39
Stop reading about it. Very simplistic but true. If there is a war , an Isis takeover we as individuals can't do anything about it. What happens happens. You need to focus on what you have control over your anxiety through meds counselling or both. Take it a day at a time . I don't plan what I'm doing tomorrow let alone a month a year in the future. I hope this doesn't come across as being unsympathetic with your problem because its very real for you but its time to concentrate on you and getting better

27-11-15, 13:15
I agree with jay, don't educate yourself on the subject. I skim health anxiety threads and think "I can't get worried about that because I don't know anything about it and that's the way I want it to stay".

It's hard to monitor you or your environment for things when you know very little. The worries can start when you LEARN these things so don't expand your knowledge on them.

27-11-15, 13:38
Unfortunately, the more one studies a troublesome topic the worse the anxiety becomes! It doesn't offer relief.
ISIS won't take over Europe. The UK, USA & all the other allies wont let it happen.
All the world's intelligence agencies are working against them. We are the greater strength. Please dont worry anymore.:)

27-11-15, 13:45
Thanks for all your advice. :) I just need reassurance.

I'm sure I'm not alone but I always follow the same pattern.

Consider a problem (oh the house has a crack)
Dwell on it. (what if the crack is subsidence)
Go and google subsidence (oh! that looks my house!)
Catastrophise ( The house definitely has subsidence, I'll never be able to sell it and I'll lose all my money.)

rinse and repeat.