View Full Version : It's reared it's head again - time to kick it!

27-11-15, 13:32

I'm 12 days into taking citalopram (last 5 at 20mg).

I took citalopram about 6 years ago (although I was much worse then) and made a full recovery (together with CBT) and so am pretty confident they'll do the trick again this time. They're already starting to work as although mornings are quite anxious - evenings are pretty good (I take my pills at 8pm each night).

What complicates it this time is I have two young children but they are also a source of strength (alongside my understanding wife - I'm lucky).

I think it was the stress of the school run (three drops offs back and forth across town (due to timings) together with, picking them up in the evenings, get washed and fed and chasing my two boys to get ready in time which sparked it off this time. I only do this three times a week but I'm only just starting to realise how stressed this was making me.

I didn't want to be depressed again (who does) so I think I was in denial for a while as I've had what I now suspect as a chronic tension headache for about 7 months and a dull (sometimes sharp) ache in my side. It's not gone yet either but I'm hopeful.

Partly, this post is to ask if anyone else has had tension headaches for long periods and if they can recommend anything but i also wanted to say I've been through this before and to tell anyone who is worried that citalopram works (CBT really helps too as I've remembered the basic idea) you just have to get through the horrible initial week or two of side effects (my anxiety got far worse) - IT IS WORTH IT.

Stay strong everyone.

27-11-15, 13:38
Hiya Citalhooray and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

30-11-15, 19:11
Hi, I've just joined the forum today and my experience sounds very similar to yours. Suffered from depression for 3 years and overcame it with citalopram. I've been fine and medication free for 3 years now but in the last few weeks after a lot of stress at work I have felt anxiety creeping in which I remember as an early sign of my depression last time. Like you I have also recognised it early this time and am trying to do something about it. Partly by joining this forum, partly by taking time off work and also by admitting today that I think I need to go back on anti depressants. I refused them when I visited the gp on Friday but phoned back today and they've sorted me a prescription. That said, I haven't taken one yet, instead I've been sat here worrying about taking the first one as I know it's the start of a long road and I'm not looking forward to the side effects. I clearly need to do it though as after feeling ok most of today and wondering if I do need them after all I phoned worked and said I'd go back tomorrow, then spent the next 2 hours feeling really anxious about it and crying! The joys of mental health issues eh?!

Anyway enough rambling, hope you are feeling much better soon and well done for recognising the signs and being brave enough to do something about it :-)

01-12-15, 15:45
Thanks Laurs234 - taking the medication is the best thing I've done. Still not 100% but so much better. That said, there is no denying the first two weeks (1 week on 10mg and the second on 20mg) were hard as my anxiety was worse than when I started but it's much better now (start of third week).

If citalopram helped you before then it should work again - be strong and you can do it. Realise the first few weeks will be rough but it's a necessary journey.