View Full Version : Sore Oesphagus Feeling...........

27-11-15, 14:53
This is going to sound an odd question and I am not going to google but.......

I am on omeprazole for acid reflux......... been checked at Drs twice and shes not concerned but......... after I eat my esophagus feels sore, its not painful and no feeling of food getting stuck it just feels irritated and its always the same place ......... I am 2 weeks into 40mgs a day of omeprazole. Dr has given me 2 month course. Heartburn has gone (touch wood).......... I am thinking it could be the soreness from the heartburn and food is rubbing it and making it sore?!

27-11-15, 15:56
I'm exactly the same, just been prescribed a 28 day course to see how I go. Throat feels raw, sometimes like there's a lump at back, I'm hoping these are all acid related. I was at ent and he did camera up nose and checked back of throat and all healthy so I'm presuming this is all to do with Indigestion. Mine usually feels fine first thing but progresses to sore and raw throughout day.