View Full Version : Ups and Downs

27-11-15, 23:34
Does anyone else with anxiety experience ups and downs? Or do you feel anxious most of the time?

I had a bout of health anxiety a few weeks ago that lasted around a month. A few things caused it and in that period I was quite convinced I had around 3 different illnesses. I went to the Dr who put me straight and I've been okay since.

Work has always been a big cause of my anxiety but this comes and goes depending on the strains of the job. I moved jobs and this 'routine' of ups and downs has followed me really.

I tend to find that I go through periods where I feel elated and basically like I'm buzzing which can last 1 or2 weeks. Now, however, I'm sat at home on my own and can feel the negative thoughts coming back. Was that bump here before? Was the Dr right when he said it was nothing? I'm sure it's aching when it didn't before...etc. I also had a 4am panic over work earlier this week and that hasn't happened since my last 'episode' :(

I've been on medication before, citalopram and also sertraline which balanced me out(especially the sertraline) and I've been off the sertraline for about a year now. I am reluctant to go back on meds, but while the days where I'm buzzing are great....the nights like this really get me down as I get annoyed at myself for feeling this way :(

I'm not really sure if I've made a point here, but I had to get it down somewhere!

28-11-15, 09:02
Anxiety is always a roller coaster ride it's perfectly normal how you are feeling,just enjoy the good times

28-11-15, 09:19
I've been up and down too - think this is pretty normal for anxiety? Sertraline didn't work for me so my Dr advised stop taking it - I'm trying to distract myself with things to do and if I get really wobbly I try deep breathing?

You totally made a point - I understand where you're coming from - I feel the same X think we should try and enjoy our good days X