View Full Version : VERY panicy about "kissing bug"

28-11-15, 02:26
you all must have seen it on the news, a tropical bug is coming up north from latin America and the bug causes a serious disease known as chagas disease!
im freaking out. I live in michigan. were the bug isnt reported to be here YET.
like crap! its in ohio and Illinois. its gotta be getting here soon. this is nearly as bad as when I freaked out over ebola.
this is awful!
I feel like im just sitting here until it can get a chance to bite me and defecate on my bite. when im sleeping specifically.
can this tropical bug even live here? WTFFFFFF.

28-11-15, 04:43
I suggest you educate yourself on that bug. I have heard of it but never put much thought into it. There's always something lol. But learning about the bug may help ease your fear. Maybe give you proactive things to do to keep it out of your house. Plants that it doesn't like or certain smells to deter it. Hope I'm of help!

28-11-15, 06:13
I educated myself quite alot on the bug lol. doesn't seem to help much honestly. I know how to "prevent "it but I doubt it will work. xc

28-11-15, 15:32
Well right now it's in Texas so even if it can tolerate the weather it will take a while to get up north. Try not to worry about it yet.

---------- Post added at 15:32 ---------- Previous post was at 15:28 ----------

Ok I just saw that just cause the bug bites you doesn't mean that it will give you the disease. Only 1 in at least 900 actually carry the disease. All the hype is media. Don't worry about it!!

28-11-15, 15:40
It seems I find out about all the "fantastic" stories, diseases and fears on this forum! So of course a little research and yes, it's all media scare tactics. There must be the "perfect storm" of events to even get bitten let alone infected. Akin to the brain eating amoeba.

Positive thoughts

28-11-15, 20:25
thanks to all of you! I really hate how overhyped things are on the news..