View Full Version : Best dose for anxiety

28-11-15, 12:46
Hi everyone

I was wondering how many people take this med just for anxiety issues like myself and at what dose. I'm currently on 75mg as I started not long ago, but it seems to be effective already, which I didn't expect.
The doc is suggesting however that I move up to 150mg within 2 weeks of starting, is there not a risk that dose could increase anxiety as that's when the nonrephenerine starts to kick in ?



30-11-15, 19:36
Hi Tims

I take it just for anxiety. I've been on 187.5 for about 10 weeks and I'm just starting to feel better - back at work etc.

Going from 75 to 150 is a bit of a jump but can't you go up by 37.5? Some people have no troubles increasing at all.

If I ever had to do it again I personally would increase faster than I did. I'd get up to 150mg as soon as possible and just accept the fact that I will feel crappy for a few weeks. I must stress that this is my personal opinion. You should do what's right for you and take advice from GP.

Are you on the slow release?


30-11-15, 22:57
Hi Tom

Thanks for reply, good to hear you're feeling better. I changed from immediate to slow release so I could stick to a single daily dose, are you doing that also?
How long did it take you to move up to 187.5, that seems high for anxiety alone but then all these meds work differently for different people.
Have you been on any other ad's before? I'm hoping to start getting the same relaxing effect I got from Paxil few years back, I guess only time will tell.



30-11-15, 23:14
GP's can be like this and it's a gripe for anxiety sufferers. They work towards guidelines but forget the individual in the process.

The only great of whether any of these meds works for you is if you feel it is doing so. If you give it a good run at a dose and it doesn't work or only helps so much, it's tune to consider increasing or switching or other methods.

You have said got are responding well so why increase to raise the risk of side effects and what if you can cope in a lower dose?

It isn't just these 2 stage meds they do it with, you see posts on here about Citalopram & Sertraline where people have been in them for so little time that the actual documented changes can't have taken place yet but GP's are still pushing for higher doses. In medicine I guess it's about stabilisation but unless you are truly severe to the point of self harm, if seems irresponsible to me.

07-12-15, 14:15
Hi Tims sorry for the delay.

It took me about 4 months to get to 187. I still may go up more. I'm on the slow release. I think it's working though.

I had tried a whole variety of meds. I also take mirtazapine and propranolol. It's a bit of a cocktail I know!

How are u getting on with the Ven?

10-12-15, 11:18
Hey tom
Well it's been 3 weeks since I started the Ven, I was on duloxeteine prior to that for over a year but it wasn't doing much good. I started on 37.5mg, and now it only just moved to 112mg, one 75mg xr in the morning and then a 37.5 ir at aorund lunch.
I was getting results at 75mg so am hoping the 112mg will do the trick but early days.
I'm taking the Ven mainly for various anxiety issues so not planning to go too high on the dosage. How are you finding the 187 compared to other dosages you've taken? Is it depression and/or anxiety you're taking it for?

Many thanks

12-12-15, 19:04
Hi Tims glad to hear you are doing okay.

I didn't react well at first. Every time I increased the dose I hit rock bottom for a couple of weeks. Glad I stuck with it though because I've finally got back to work and I'm less of a recluse. I found that the lower doses didn't really help much so I kept increasing but but when I got to 187 I had bad side effects and didn't want to put myself through it again so I stayed at 187 (there was the option to go to 225mg).

I take it for anxiety/panic - I was a complete anxious mess for a whole year, which came completely out of the blue after a stressful time at work. I was on pregabalin before which didn't help. I take propranolol too which I find does help slightly.

I do have depression but this is a side issue - the anxiety is the main problem - I take mirtazapine for that which I think works.

It's all a bit of a cocktail which worries me slightly. But at least I am finally functioning


15-12-15, 09:53
Thanks, yes hopefully I,won't have to change again. So are you takin you're Ven in one go daily? I take it is the xr you're on. I think for a lot of folks it's a combination that always works best rather than simply one single cure all wonder drug, but there is a lot of trial and error involved, the main thing is it works for you.


17-12-15, 21:58
Hi Tims, yes I take the whole 187.5 slow release in one go at night. Thats a 150 tablet and a 37.5 (both xr). I've not tried at any other time to be honest. (The chemist give be a different brand pretty much every time but as long as its the right chemicals it doesn't bother me). At the same time I take a mirtazapine so I'm pretty much guaranteed to be fast asleep about 90 mins after I take them.

22-12-15, 10:27
Hi mate
I wanted to ask you about the mirtazapine and how that's working for you. Have you ever tried taking it in the day or is too sedating. I have read many times how it works very well with Ven, however I thought it might be too activating a combo to help with anxiety issues.
My doc has mentioned seroquel in the past, but I hear that is too sedating for any benefit in the day. I would be interested to hear from anyone who has been on either of these combos.


25-12-15, 08:35
I started the Mirt a couple of months before the Ven. I personally don't think it's helped hugely with my anxiety but it seems to be helping with depression (although depression is only a side issue with me). As for combining it with Ven, it's hard to say if it's the combo is helping or of its just the Ven!