View Full Version : pls pls help me

28-11-15, 14:32
Hi guys
Ive been struggling for a week now. I am convinced that im gonna end up in hospital with something really bad. Ive bad lower back pain and been constipated so naturally im thinking bowel cancer or cervical cancer. I went to the doctors and he did a urine sample but all was fine. He said ive not given him any reason to be worried but did say it is my anxiety on overdrive. Im scared im dying and all my mates are out enjoying themselves and instead im indoors wondering if its my last hour or not. Please talk to me if any of you can xx

miss sparkle
28-11-15, 17:59
Aww if your doctor felt it waa likely to be anything serious im sure they would of done some more tests.
Maybe if you went out it would help to take your mind of things for a while ��xx

28-11-15, 20:46
Pains are a part of life, all your friends will get pains but don't let them ruin their life. Getting out helps anxiety. I wasted my early 20s worrying that I had numerous things and I could kick that younger me now as I was perfectly healthy.
You won't get this time back, believe that you are healthy and go and enjoy yourself X

28-11-15, 20:56
I just want an answer for my consitpation. First thing i do when i wake up is omg i wonder if i can go to the toilet and then cant and dwell all day. I keep thinking my insides r blocked and i need to be hospitalised. Dont want blood tests though.

Sorry to be going on and on

28-11-15, 22:37
You do know that constipation is extremely common ya. It ain't something to worry about. What are you eating? Do you exercise? Are you on meds? Eat more fibre, take some regular exercise and no doubt you will do a nice poo then

28-11-15, 23:17
I have a 3 year old son who often goes 6 days without pooing. His is caused by not drinking enough. Do you drink plenty of water and eat lots of fruit? Co codamol is the worst thing for people with constipation so never take that. Drink some coffee, 2 litres of water a day, a glass of orange and an apple and lots of walking and you will probably find it's better in no time.
By the way, you won't end up in hospital with it, just go the pharmacy if you want proper advice and medicine for it. You won't need blood tests X

28-11-15, 23:23
Just am so scared that im gonna end up in hospital, on drips and die. Sooooo mad and i know im wasting my life worrying. I actually feel like this constipation will never leave me. I want to be happy again xx