View Full Version : Not getting the practical support I need to move

28-11-15, 17:49
Hi. Not sure if I should have posted in the introductions section first, but I have a specific problem I want to discuss, so here seemed more appropriate.

I've suffered with general anxiety since my teens (I'm now 26), though I only realised what it was and got diagnosed with it about 3 years ago. It has affected several areas of my life quite significantly but I've always felt like I'm able to "function" fairly well day-to-day compared to many sufferers - for instance, I've never had a panic attack.

Nevertheless, my life is at a total standstill at the moment. I've lived with my parents for the last year-and-a-half since graduating from university. I desperately want to move out because they're probably the source of my illness (I'm gay, and they don't really accept it) and I feel so much better when they're not around. I feel like I can't even begin the process of finding a job or a boyfriend until I've moved.

But I don't really have the support that I need to pull it off. I want to move to a bigger city where there'll be jobs and people to meet but I find trips away flathunting immensely stressful and draining. I'm meant to be going away again to do this soon but just the thought of it makes me want to curl up into a ball. None of my friends or other family really have the time to come with me and help. I just feel like all of my efforts to sort my life out constantly come up against a brick wall, and I don't feel properly supported.*

Has anyone else experienced similar problems and found practical solutions?