View Full Version : New person

19-09-04, 20:47
HI, I'm Paul

Just reading some of the messages on the forum make me feel better, there are people out there going through the same. It makes you feel like your not the only Loon on the planet. My story started 6 months ago when i just woke up feeling like I was going to die.. Now 6 months later I'm trying to convince myself something is physically wrong with me because I believe at least 'something' can be cured but if it's all in my head then what?? Am i crazy?

Still waiting for results of latest blood test from Doc, thyroid this time. Sitting around watching the box tonight and I start getting all the same feelings in my chest, trembling, constant deep breaths etc. Freaks me out....

Why wont this bl***y thing STOP. Why do I sit here crying typing this and getting more frustated more freaked out.

19-09-04, 21:27
hi! hope you are ok (ish) I found this site a few weeks ago and its brilliant. I have been suffereing for 10 years on and off, although I didn't know what it was for a long time, thought I had all sorts of things wrong with me. I had various tests, and in the end had to accept it was anxiety and depression and was then able to get help. But there is so much help out there and this site is one of them. I felt so alone (and crazy), but knowing other people are the same and you are not a complete freak is a comfort (not that i would wish this on anyone!). Are you taking any medication at the moment? I'm much better now although I still have the odd blip but im learning from them. You are not alone in this. We are all here to support you.

Take care
Mabel (caroline)

Mabel (caroline)

19-09-04, 21:33
Hi Paul

Welcome aboard ! We will help you all we can and support you along the way.

It is hard work when you feel so bad all the time and panic etc.

Are you on any meds atall.

Have you read Meg's post on "First Steps" - there may be something in there that helps you? If you need the link then let me know - it is also on the website.

Let us know if you have any specific questions and we will help you try to understand things.

You did a great thing by coming here and I am sure you will get loads of help.


19-09-04, 21:45
hello there Paul,

Welcome to the site!! You have definetly come to the right place. We have all felt like the only loon on the planet at some point so we can all relate to what you are going through. Take care.

Sarah :D

19-09-04, 23:17
Hi Paul

I know how much this will be hurting you and pulling you apart but know you have found this site you will see you are not alone at all by how you feel.

It is hard and we all feel like it is a constant battle and even when good days come around the bad ones follow on, but you will get there hon.

Wish it could happen over night but it doesnt but at least you now know we are all her to help you.

Anytime you want to talk just email me.

Love Sal xxxxx

20-09-04, 13:08
Dear Paul ,

Welcome to the site . Sorry to hear you're going through such a rough time..we can all nod and really know what it is that you're experiencing first hand .

Now 6 months later I'm trying to convince myself something is physically wrong with me because I believe at least 'something' can be cured but if it's all in my head then what?? Am i crazy?

We all have been through those times of wishing it was something physical . One of the keys to starting to get over this condition - is acceptance of how you are right now . You may not like it and may want to do everything to rid yourself of it but you do need to have a starting acceptance point. Like with diabetes - once you accepted you've got it - you change your diet, learn about your meds and how to improve the situation you find yourself in .

This is no different so if your blood tets do come out ok- have a good howl and then start to accept this is anxiety and panic and begin to address the issues and symptoms .

You are not crazy at all. Its just makes you feel that way as you have no other explanation of how you're feeling .

Thoughts : Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)


It is impossible to get out of a problem by using the same kind of thinking that it took to get into it.
- Albert Einstein.

20-09-04, 14:12
Hi paul

Just want to say wecome to the site.
We are all her to support you.
Things will get better it just take's time.
Going to your GP is the write thing to do because peace of mind goes along way. It helped me exept that there was nothing phsical wrong with me. Finding this site has been a god send don't know what i woud have done without it, they have been so supportive and now i am on the road to recovery.
Remeber you are not alone and there is light at the end of the tunnel you just have to find the write path.

Wishing you well



20-09-04, 15:55
Thank you all for the kind messages. It really does make it a lot easier to know that there are other people out there going through the same.

My heart goes out to you who have been suffering this for years - 6 months and it feels like a lifetime.

I',m not on any Meds - Haven't really talked to the Doctor about the possiblity about Panic attacks. Going this Friday so if bloods and ECG ok then this is probably the next step though I'd really like to go for a Chest Xray just to be sure there's nothing in there that shouldn't be..

Thanks again and I'll keep you informed.