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View Full Version : Hugh anxiety after wife's diagnosis

28-11-15, 22:43
Hello everyone,

I just found the forum and hope I can find some support.

My wife has had a large bump on her forehead for around 10 years now, her mom took her to a GP when it was first noticed and they said it was nothing to worry about. Fast forward to today and we learn that it is basal cell carcinoma. The dermatogist says it's the kind that doesn't worse and were scheduled for a consultation with a surgeon specializing in MOHS to have it removed.

I immediately have started to panic and can't stop googling, most all user reports say everything went routine, the scientific website say basal cell has like a .03% chance to metastasize and now that's all I can think about. I just keep envisioning the worst. I've gotten to the point now I can't find new Google results so I'm re-reading more looking for similar cases to hers.

Also for the last week I've began to hyper analyze all my own pains and bumps. I can't help but assume my shoulder and back pains are
Cancer...even though I known it's from slumping over at my lab bench all day and just finished my basement ceiling. I also assume my light cough and stuffy nose are HIV, although I've only been with one woman (used protection) outside my wife who was a virgin.

I guess I'm looking for tips on dealing with what I'm going through. I'm making myself sick and I'm bringing down my wife. She is taking things so well and I'm just spiraling out of control.

28-11-15, 23:07
Jlee, I honestly know hundreds of people that had basal cell's. I have never seen or heard of anyone having it spread. The main stress they had was the potential for scaring.

The only thing that calms my anxiety is to keep yourself busy. When I'm at home I Google and Google and find horrible pictures and stories. If I'm at work I feel somewhat normal. I would keep yourself busy and try and stay positive.

28-11-15, 23:59
Thank you for the thoughts. I've actively tried to avoid googling today, I slipped twice but caught myself. I agree with you, when I can concentrate on something else I feel much better. It is certainly a battle against my head for sure.