View Full Version : Colonscopy wait.. Health anxiety & Anaemia!

29-11-15, 01:34
6 hours ago
Hello I'm 23 years old.. for a few weeks I've been feeling so run down and anxious, I went my doctors on Tuesday and she wants me to have a colonscopy as I have stomach pains and noticed my iron looked low, since then I don't know if it's down to nerves but this awful pressure in my rectum has appeared. Was that painful that last night my mom took me to the hospital where they gave me a rectal exam and she said everything felt normal and prescribed me with ibuprofen. I recieved my letter off the hospital today and my appointment isn't until Jan 27th 2016 so I have months to wait in such discomfort! I'm feeling so breathless to and don't know if this is down to anxiety. I have a little girl and the last thing I want to do is ever leave her. I'm not bleeding from my rectum and the past few days I have gone the toilet more so I'm not constipated I just feel like I need to go all the time and I'm getting so fed up. I'm so scared and would just like anyone to talk too.. Also I have lost loads of weight which is also the reason she sent me for a colonscopy xx

29-11-15, 06:09
I know how much anxiety affects us mommies. My anxiety didn't start until I had my son. The thought of me leaving him when he needs me so much gave me a lot of anxiety and panic. Just know you are doing everything you can to make sure you are healthy. That you're getting looked after to make sure that you'll be alright. I hope your colonoscopy comes out fine. I had one this spring, my first colonoscopy at 32 yrs old. The prep was worse than the actual scope. I'll be thinking of you.

29-11-15, 12:40
Thankyou for your reply, I'm trying to stay positive for my daughters sake. I
Just feel like I need to constantly push into my rectum and it's so uncomfortable! Going to go back to the doctors tomorrow to explain this and my anxiety! How did your colonscopy go??

30-11-15, 00:17
It went well. Everything was normal. The prep was really the worst of it all. You should take a day off work the day of the prep because you'll be running to the bathroom a lot.