View Full Version : Eaten ferro rocher chocolate feel like its stuck in gullet anyone else get this

29-11-15, 04:04
Hi there
I have a hiatus hernia worse at night. I feel as If a bit of ferrero rocher is stuck in my gullet and its painful when I swallow anyone else had this with ferrero rocher? Taken gaviscon not feeling much better. Of course panic makes it feel worse.

29-11-15, 05:16
Try some milk if u can take big gulps. That's what I do when I have something stuck or trying to swallow a pill. Btw I LOVE those things! Good wishes!

29-11-15, 10:36
If you read the book 'Overcoming Health Anxiety' (by Rob Willson and David Veale) you will find there is a whole chapter devoted to fears about swallowing and vomiting.

It seems this is a particular area some people can feel way more anxious about, than any other, and maybe this is how you feel?

My wife, whose major fear is always cancers, expressed surprise to me, when she read the book, saying it was remarkable there was a chapter she was able to skip, when the preceding chapters had described her down to a tee.

So: don't feel alone when you worry about your throat. Your brain is only doing the same thing as another hundred thousand people's brains this month.

29-11-15, 13:52
When my anxiety was at its worst I used to feel I had something actually stuck in my throat. It would drive me mad and I would actually try and get my fingers down my throat to feel for 'anything' as I was so scared of cancer. Anyway, it turns out it was something called 'globus' which is caused by anxiety and makes you feel like something is stuck. I found drinking water helped and doing some relaxation exercises. If there is a piece of food stuck in your gullet it will most likely pass in its own time so long as you keep drinking water.

29-11-15, 14:04
Chocolate is known to increase symptoms of acid reflux and it follows that it would irritate digestive issues and consequently your hiatal hernia.

Positive thoughts