View Full Version : Experiences with HA and taking steroids...

29-11-15, 10:00
Hi all

Had a chest infection and on 40mg Prednisolone every morning as I am asthmatic.

I am having horrible side effects off it! Rather than making me hungry like it usually does I am actually finding I am less hungry so of course that is setting me off worrying :(

Just curious to see how others have found using this drug short term? Today is my last day on it thank goodness and it has helped me loads but I feel dreadful!

Hardly sleeping and just feel so wired :( wish I had some diazepam! :doh:

Snowflake xxx

29-11-15, 10:37
Hi Snowflake.

I can't say with my anxiety as I have only taken them when I was much younger. I remember drinking a load of beer on them a few days after finishing a course and being pretty damn drunk! It hit me very fast.

I just wanted to say I'm glad you persevered because if antibiotics aren't dealing with it and your GP needs to try steroids due to your asthma, you really do need to see them through as they are usually very good with asthma.

Perhaps in a day or two this will reduce as they leave your system and you can get yourself back on track.

29-11-15, 14:40
I end up having to take them once or twice a year but only when my asthma is bad. I am so glad today is my last day on them!

Finding today I have 'kidney pain' but higher up than my kidneys? It started last night. Dunno if that is to do with the steroids. Have been having lots of water and paracetamol and that helps.

I have drunk on steroids before, just end up falling asleep! its like that for me with sertarline though. I dont get drunk anymore, I just nod off lol!

Yeah the steroids are great for asthma. I use a steroid inhaler daily too. I do worry about how my lungs will be as I get older :( strangely enough my asthma actually got worse when I stopped smoking a year ago!

30-11-15, 05:17
Yeah, asthma gets worse with age, mine has. My peak flow has dropped a fair but since my twenties.

Exercise is what is needed for this and not just the old cardiovascular either as they are finding thats a bit of a myth with many things from years ago, although it will still greatly help in this case.

I was in hospital with a guy who had more severe asthma and he said it went away completely when he played rugby for years. He stopped in later years and his asthma came back severe again. I can always remember him telling me to keep exercising.

You know, I've heard that before about smoking and I don't know why it happens with asthma. Maybe it's part of the depressant properties in them?

I think we need to look more into these steroid inhalers as there are articles talking about how they affect things which are not helpful for anxiety/depresison sufferers, like how they affect gut bacteria (I think).

06-12-15, 12:28
I've never heard of inhalers affecting gut bacteria? sounds interesting though!

My asthma is loads better now and I am finally off the steroids and antibiotics!

I ordered some serrapeptase and have been taking x3 a day - have read some great things about how it can help with endometriosis!