View Full Version : Monitoring your anxiety

29-11-15, 11:04
Does anyone monitor their anxiety? Keep a record of those moments? How do you do this and who do you share it with?

29-11-15, 12:29
Yes . Keep a journal noting anxious times but also times when I was feeling OK so it balances itself out . It's good reading back that there are brighter days because we tend to remember all the negatives. I've got a jotter that I write in but I suppose it's just as easy to do on a computer

29-11-15, 12:55
Yes- I keep a diary, and give the anxiety level a score out of 10, and make some notes about how I'm feeling, how I slept etc.

29-11-15, 18:40
Yes- I keep a diary, and give the anxiety level a score out of 10, and make some notes about how I'm feeling, how I slept etc.

Do you feel like giving your anxiety a score helps or hurts? I can imagine getting competitive with myself... How often do you look back at your diary and what does it do for you?

29-11-15, 21:17
I used to monitor my symptoms in a diary electronically. However, I discovered Patients Like Me (www.patientslikeme.com).

There you can record treatments (medications or whatever else), severity of symptoms daily, conditions, and lots of other stuff.

There are graphs that help you to see if a particular drug for example has had any impact on mood for example. It's a really great site.

Maybe read the Terms and Conditions before signing up. You could protect your anonymity by not using your real name as your username or not uploading a photo of yourself if you wanted.

30-11-15, 09:44
I used to monitor my symptoms in a diary electronically. However, I discovered Patients Like Me.

There you can record treatments (medications or whatever else), severity of symptoms daily, conditions, and lots of other stuff.

There are graphs that help you to see if a particular drug for example has had any impact on mood for example. It's a really great site.

Maybe read the Terms and Conditions before signing up. You could protect your anonymity by not using your real name as your username or not uploading a photo of yourself if you wanted.

Oh yeah, Patients Like Me is great.

Would it be helpful for you to automatically track external data? I'm looking into how I could make a system where every time I triggered a sensor (by rubbing a necklace that has a sensor on it, clicking a pen, whatever you would want your "secret gesture" to be) data such as location, time, temperature, etc would be captured. Then you could add notes to it later and really get a sense of why you were anxious, and automatically share that data with your support system so that they know you need a little extra help without you bringing it up.

30-11-15, 11:43
Yea i do every day and night.i dont keep a diary tho,as soon as i wake up my brain focus on my anxiey and does all day long..i do remember most days,i dont realy have good days to remember and write down.