View Full Version : How many doctors visits/emergency/urgent care have you had this year?

29-11-15, 17:04
I am working hard trying to control my HA. This year I've had 3 emergency visits (fear of blood clot, tetanus, appendicitis). And 2 urgent care visits (rash from an allergy, left arm pain). And probably about 8 regular doctor visits for varying reasons. I'm trying hard not to go for every little symptom. In my head it blows up to be something big. I have another appointment next week with my doctor because the antibiotics I was given didn't work and my sinuses still hurt along with my ear. I worry that doctors won't take me seriously after so many visits.

29-11-15, 17:13
I hope you get different antibiotics that work. When you next see you GP.
I have not heard of doctors coming out to see anyone in my area in England, unless you are elderly. I myself had one visit to GP this year, but have seen the nurse .One visit. We have had the Ambulance out for a neighbour once.
HA is a horrible thing to have I do sympathise Njoy.

29-11-15, 17:44
I have real health issues and my total visits per year = 6. I see my GP twice a year for general check and blood work. My cardiologist twice a year for general check up and my oncology team twice a year. I did see my cardiologist one additional time for symptoms which tests confirmed angina and warranted a medication adjustment.

Many people here have been seen and tested many times more and they're perfectly healthy physically.

There's a thread on "House of Hypochondriacs" on the boards and while it's definitely TV sensationalism and selling drama, unfortunately, there's quite a bit of truth in what they showed on the show.


29-11-15, 17:53
I'm going to be honest although I do feel a bit embarrassed. I think I have been about 14 times to the doctor this year. I have felt all these appointments have been necessary and the majority have been. A couple of them , the GP has ignored my physical symptoms and spoke to me about anxiety which is fair enough.

29-11-15, 19:37
I can't remember, but I was just in the emergency room this past week...��

29-11-15, 19:52
I was just in the ER last night.

---------- Post added at 14:52 ---------- Previous post was at 14:51 ----------

But I've been over 10 times total this year.

29-11-15, 20:21
Because I have NF I have a yearly appointment at the hospital, who wanted me to have a brain scan to keep an eye on things (nothing serious on the brain)

When I had a eye appointment for new glasses both the optician and someone else who training to be a optician also got tested whether she could see what the optician has spotted. This optician could tell I had NF by looking my eyes (I think when was about 8 or 9 I got referred to have a brain scan, even though I had eye exams before)

Twice one because I was worried about testicular cancer (always best to get them checked) I also went to the GP as well another time earlier this year because I was worried about whether I have lost weight and a mouth problem. which has been sorted out now nothing serious.

29-11-15, 21:11
I'm terrified of going the doctors and only go if I REALLY need to. Just the thought of going makes me feel sick

Linda 10
29-11-15, 22:38
Yes I know what that's like I sit in the doctors waiting for my name to come up on the screen with total anxiety before I even get in to see the doctor s:ohmy::ohmy: