View Full Version : I'm back!

30-11-15, 09:00
I haven't been posting lately as I was pregnant as you knew but my anxiety is so bad lately to the point even my pregabalin doesn't seem to be helping. It may be my hormones settling but wow I'm an anxious mess! I'm on 400mg have since this time last year and life has been better on them. I've heard pregabalin can wear off with time so maybe I should talk to the doctor about increasing my dose? Although I think I'm starting with post natal depression as my general mood is just so low. I'm having thoughts of harm BUT I'm not sure if they're intrusive thoughts as I do get them when my anxiety is high! On top of my general anxiety my health anxiety is back too so I'm just feeling fed up. Xx

30-11-15, 13:08
You are on Planet hormone!!!!! Everything goes haywire after a baby is born. Go back to your GP and ask for a Thyroid Function test aswell just to rule out an underlying problem.
There's a website site for new mums, www.netmums.com they have forums, like this one
Also speak to your Health visitor, she must see hundreds of women in your position.

AND stop with the thoughts on harming yourself.

30-11-15, 22:41
Congrats on your arrival Avas. It's not an easy time being a new mum. Health Anx is a pain but quite common in your situation I'd have thought; keep strong. I'm sure jimsmrs is good advice on that front
