View Full Version : Test results! Anyone else?

30-11-15, 16:35
I have suffered IBS type symptoms for about 5 years. I had a colonoscopy and endoscopy 4 years ago which was normal.

Recently I have had to do some stool samples as I thought I saw blood, the stool sample was negative. However, I had one to check calprotectin levels to rule out IBD/colitis. I hadn't worried about it until today!

I had a letter to make a routine appt with the dr. Again, not too worried, until I looked on 'patient access' at my notes! I have a calprotectin level of 53, the notes say need to exclude infection, polyps or malignancy!

Googled it!!! IBD and colitis are usually really high. Mine is only slightly which much mean cancer right?! Please help I'm in bits!

30-11-15, 17:00
Please dont worry, its just routine for them to ask you to come back. can i ask what ibs symptoms you get. ive got cramping in my lower back and had constipation but now diarreah and bloating...does this ring a bell?


30-11-15, 17:43
I hope so, I'm so scared I hate this!

I have soft stool (sorry tmi) everyday, nausea regularly, lots of wind and bloated after eating. The bloating and nausea is a fairly new thing (within the last year or so). All bloods came back ok and my calprotectin is only slightly raised but now I'm convinced it's the c word.

30-11-15, 17:47
Did you have any polyps when you had your colonoscopy 4 years ago?

30-11-15, 17:50
No they said everything was ok but they couldn't get the camera as far as they wanted I don't think (top left corner) as it was proving quite painful so I'm worried they missed something. they took biopsies from my stomach lining when I had an endoscopy and they were ok too. xx

30-11-15, 17:56
No they said everything was ok but they couldn't get the camera as far as they wanted I don't think (top left corner) as it was proving quite painful so I'm worried they missed something. they took biopsies from my stomach lining when I had an endoscopy and they were ok too. xx

I reckon you're fine. I had a colonoscopy a month ago and all was clear, and the doctor told me that polyps take about 10 years to form and potentially develop into something more serious, so the fact that you got the all clear only 4 years ago is a very good sign :)

30-11-15, 18:24
No they said everything was ok but they couldn't get the camera as far as they wanted I don't think (top left corner) as it was proving quite painful so I'm worried they missed something. they took biopsies from my stomach lining when I had an endoscopy and they were ok too. xx

I only had half a colonoscopy for the same reason, apparently the bends on my colon were tight and they couldn't get past the right corner. I worried for a long while that something had been missed but was told they take biopsies from the wall and that gives them an indication of problems.

30-11-15, 18:29
Thanks everyone for your helpful words. I know you guys aren't doctors but it's always good to hear positive things like this. x I'm sure if they had missed something 4 years ago then I guess I would be in serious trouble by now! x

30-11-15, 21:46
From what I've read, IBD/IBS is only really high when it's initially discovered, and not after years of treatment or control. All the test really shows is whether there is some inflammation in the gut, but 0-50 is normal, so 53 is hardly raised at all. One website suggests that it is slightly raised in IBD but not in IBS - so it could simply mean they now think you have IBD and not IBS. But most sites say that a level only slightly elevated should be kept an eye on.

30-11-15, 21:57
See...another pair of eyes see 'should be kept an eye on' I see definite colorectal cancer! Why is it I can't see sensibly?! :doh:

01-12-15, 02:12
Because it's much easier for us to rationalise other people's ailments than our own!

01-12-15, 18:22
Well yes this is true! :)