View Full Version : Programme on curing health anxiety tonight C4 9pm

19-02-07, 14:01
Hi guys!
Looking through the TV guide, I found a really interesting program on health anxiety on Channel 4 tonight: Hypochondriacs: I told you I was ill, at 9pm. Although people may find the title offensive, it looks as if it could be really useful.
Take a look at the Channel 4 website for more details.
Sarah x

19-02-07, 14:04
Hi Sarah

Will definetely be tuning in.
Looks interesting.

19-02-07, 14:26

I am in it and it is good, I did complain about the title and they said they need to call it that as people didn't understand health anxiety. I was on Lorraine Kelly this morning talking about it and explained the difference between hypocondria and health anxiety. The programme isn't scarey, it wont give you more ideas for different illnesses it just shows you how CBT works.

I hope you enjoy it and it helps you!


19-02-07, 14:27
Yes, and take note that Laura and Sarah featured on this programme are members of NoMorePanic.


19-02-07, 15:13
Hi there,

I am really looking forward to this programme as I suffer health anxiety and am currently having CBT for it.

I don't like the title though as hypochondria and health anxiety are not the same things at all! Still if it's helpful that doesn't matter I guess although it does give the wrong idea about the illness maybe. I hope it doesn't give people the impression that people with health anxiety are hypochondriacs as that is not the case at all.

Anyway I look forward to seeing how everyone gets on.


19-02-07, 19:05
looks good. I too found the title very patronising!!!!!!

19-02-07, 19:20
Hi there,

I'll definately be tuning in as i'm currently getting CBT for health anxiety , and I totally agree tht their is a huge difference between HA and being a hypochodriac..................xx

19-02-07, 19:29
Oo what was it like being on TV? :D I hope to tune in if my housemates don't mind but I don't want to make a big deal of it or have to reveal I'm a sufferer in order to be abe to see it. :s

19-02-07, 22:33
Wow, I saw so much of myself in that. A bit depressing really.