View Full Version : Is anyone convinced they are dying??

30-11-15, 22:15
Is anyone so anxious and worried, that they are convinced they have an illness ?

30-11-15, 22:19
Yes. That's me right now. I actually told my husband last night that I want him to remarry because our son needs a mom if I die as I'm convinced my sinus infection is going to reach my brain. I have no congestion, but have sinus pain , ear ache, and head and neck ache. In sure it's reached my sphenoid sinus cavity and will get into my brain. I don't see my doctor until wednesday.

30-11-15, 22:26
Im worried about the same thing.

30-11-15, 22:31
Good thing about this forum is that you know you're not alone in feeling good this way. There are several people on here who worry about dying daily. HA is a very hard thing to cope with, emotionally, menatlly, and physically draining.

30-11-15, 22:31
Yep right now i am. I cant calm down....convinced my whole body is gonna close up. Madness xx

30-11-15, 22:43
Yep. It's a daily struggle for me. My heart feels weird right now and I'm absolutely convinced I have heart failure and will die.

01-12-15, 12:42
For the last few months my anxiety, OCD and panics have been sky high so every day I've literally diagnosed myself with some terrible and serious illness (and that is without even googling my symptoms!). I've been checked over by 2 docs who confirmed I am in tip top health and its just anxiety but tbh, that gave me little to no reassurance.