View Full Version : Worried about ongoing rib/chest/shoulder pains - help

01-12-15, 10:49
I've had ongoing pains in my ribs/under shoulder blade for over a week now, coming up to 2 weeks.

It came on during a chest infection I have been suffering with for 3 weeks.

The pain is in the left side of my ribs next to my breast and under my armpit and following round into my back and just under my shoulder blade.
When I lay down, the pain is worse, so night is the worst time. I get a sharp pain when I breathe and a similar or worse pain when I cough (I'm still coughing). Hurts when I move my arm in a certain way or twist my body wrong (turning over in bed is painful)

Been to three doctors - been given amoxillican and doxycycline. Finished both courses. When the pain started I went to my GP and she said it was muscular/rib pain due to all the coughing I've been doing.

The pain got worse over last weekend and I went to a walk in clinic - was told it was likely muscular/skeletal but could be pleurisy. This worried me of course.

Went to another GP yesterday (at my own practice) and was told once again likely muscular or skeletal but could be pleurisy once again but nothing they can do, treatment is the same.

I did some of my own research and found that a lot of my symptoms point towards percarditis. Which is an inflammation of the sac around the heart. I'm really scared, the pain is still there nearly 2 weeks later...I just want to feel normal again :( feel like I've been ill for absolutely forever. I'm off work too and want to go back but can't with this pain.

---------- Post added at 10:49 ---------- Previous post was at 09:51 ----------

Anyone :(

01-12-15, 12:37
I get those pains and I haven't had a chest infection (I get it from tense muscles through anxiety) - it does sound muscular to me. My friend got pleurisy and had incredibly intense sharp stabbing pains from it whenever she coughed - they just gave her the antibiotics you have & it got better. So, trust the doctors and rest up, it will get better with time.

Also, drink lots of hot drinks to open up your airways and get the gunk out too, that'll probably help, perhaps a warm bath. And sleep, you've probably not had an awful lot if you've been coughing and worrying :)

01-12-15, 18:14
Thanks Mindknot, I just don't know, it doesn't feel like anything muscular I've ever had. I can't explain it but it feels more internal.
Can anyone else help? I'm really concerned. Considering going to a&e but don't want to look ridiculous.

02-12-15, 02:21
May be costochondritis. that can happen after a chest infection. mine happened from lifting my 2 year old too much and scrubbing crayon off walls. i have had it off and on since August.

02-12-15, 15:52
I know what you mean, I thought mine was too - but remember that most things in your body are surrounded by/connected to/operated by muscles big and small... You will have given yourself quite a workout with a chest infection. Please try and trust the doctors you've seen for the time being, rest up and if you are still coughing in another 3 weeks time, go back.