View Full Version : Tinnitus

01-12-15, 12:50
Hi All

So I have this wretched Tinnitus - high pitched whining in both ears.

I went to see the ENT - all hearing etc etc was normal, and he said it was 'just one of those things' that will resolve on its own as you get used to it (Habituation).

After this reassurance, I was fine for a few weeks - and didnt take any notice of it....but lately I am focuing on it more again.

Has anyone else 'Habituated' to it, only for it to be a problem again - or is this 'coming and going' (more like noticing it or not) the way it is?

01-12-15, 17:18
Habituation is the only way you'll be able to deal with it. I can't really offer much advice on how to achieve that, but I know that I eventually did habituate and I barely ever notice it.

I mean, right now that I'm thinking about it I do hear it, but the vast majority of the time I don't. You might have a few relapses into thinking about it and thus making it accentuate, but try to ignore it and accept it will always be in the background, you'll notice it far less!