View Full Version : Tnnitus

01-12-15, 12:52
Hi All

So I have this wretched Tinnitus - high pitched whining in both ears.

I went to see the ENT - all hearing etc etc was normal, and he said it was 'just one of those things' that will resolve on its own as you get used to it (Habituation).

After this reassurance, I was fine for a few weeks - and didnt take any notice of it....but lately I am focuing on it more again.

Has anyone else 'Habituated' to it, only for it to be a problem again - or is this 'coming and going' (more like noticing it or not) the way it is?

03-12-15, 11:54
My experience is that I find that when i am more stressed i pop my ears a lot more, which leads to them hurting, the muscle on my neck under my jaw going into a hard lump. The damage from this causes my ears to itch and ring.

03-12-15, 12:50
I got it very bad in both ears after taking quetiapine,some days I can ignore it but when im anxious it seems to flare up.I also struggle with it really badly when I watch tv for some reason.You can buy background noise machines specifically aimed at tinnitus which are useful at night.Dont go searching online for miracle cures or medicines because unfortunately there is no cure

03-12-15, 13:44
I've noticed that I get Tinnitus when my anxiety is bad, I don't know why although I really grind my teeth and clench my jaw when I'm anxious, especially in the night. Sometimes I get quite a bit of pain in my face, jaw and neck from doing this, so maybe it's affecting my ears as well? I'm not sure but there's a definite correlation between stress and tinnitus for me.

03-12-15, 13:47
I've noticed that I get Tinnitus when my anxiety is bad, I don't know why although I really grind my teeth and clench my jaw when I'm anxious, especially in the night. Sometimes I get quite a bit of pain in my face, jaw and neck from doing this, so maybe it's affecting my ears as well? I'm not sure but there's a definite correlation between stress and tinnitus for me.
I used to grind my teeth a lot at night which gave me bad headaches ,my dentist made me a mouth guard,I used it for a few months and it totally stopped me doing it

04-12-15, 02:22
Yes! I suffer from this. It'seems relentless for me. I also have been to the ENT, multiple ENTs. All my hearing has came back fine and I even had a MRI done. It's just am anxiety symptom and I have a hard time trusting that because mine seems to be pretty constant whenever it's silent. I'm right there with you! I just try to sleep with a bit of noise or something to keep my mind off of it. It is miserable sometimes though