View Full Version : Panic attack!!

01-12-15, 19:43
Hi Everyone

I've been having a panic attack since i woke but have managed too suppress it by distraction...relaxation...house work..hoovering..washing...cooking..having a bath..

(I've just clicked..My fiancee must love it when i need too distract myself the house is spick & span :roflmao:)

But now I've ran out of stuff to do it's been waiting in the wings now bang! Full blown panic attack :scared15: i still have some 5MG diazepam left from a while ago and for the life of me I'm afraid too take one even though I've taken them before but this was a while ago.

My hands are shaking like crazy now!!

(Oh I've just clicked again i must be the only one who does the house work :doh:)

Any ideas guys... Has anyone had this fear too??



02-12-15, 13:07
I'm sorry to hear that you're not feeling well :(

I find that, at times, it's better to just let a panic attack happen rather that try and avoid it through distractions. If I acknowledge my anxiety and try and bring the anxiety levels down by doing breathing exercises, and then move on with whatever needs doing, it's more effective than 'dodging the bullet' that eventually ricochets and ends up hitting you regardless :)

02-12-15, 16:10
Ana is right. Stand up to it, I visualize mine as an ugly gremlin type creature. I've even sat at home and told it to 'eff off'!!!

02-12-15, 16:22
Hi Ana

Thanks for your reply.

I'd never thought of it like that before... That's a really good strategy and it's the truth basically...well it did happen lasted for an hour fluctuating from full blown to jitters and sore muscles... Had chamomile tea with honey then lay down and said "C'mon" hadn't had a full blown one in a while now. :scared15: still feeling the after effects from it.

Thanks again for the informative reply Ana..I'm gonna keep this in mind :bighug1: x


---------- Post added at 16:22 ---------- Previous post was at 16:12 ----------

Thanks Jimsmrs for the reply

I've done that before many a times and has been beneficial but I've just moved home a few months ago and neighbours known I'm in myself walls like cardboard and me telling my panic attack too f-off lol...they probably think i have mild tourettes syndrome.. But who cares if it gets a panic attack away.. Then I'm Effing away lol



02-12-15, 17:37
You're quite welcome, Petesy, and I'm glad I could help. :)

The most important thing to realise is that a panic attack isn't going to kill you. In fact, nothing bad is going to happen to you. I know how hard it is to believe this, but it's true. If you release your resistance to the panic and say 'well, okay, we've been here before. Do your worst', you'll find that the anxiety will go away soon afterwards. Trying to escape it is like trying to escape a tidal wave. It'll get you eventually :)