View Full Version : wierd symptoms. is it anxiety?

19-02-07, 15:46
recently ive been having wierd feelins and i dunno if its anxiety/ocd/panic or whatever but it feels liek im going mental so please help.

i keep thinking that words or sentances sort of sound...wierd or not real. liek some one will say something and for some reason i'll get all panicky thinking that didnt sound right and then i'll think im going insane! A thought will just pop into my head that that doesnt sounds right.

also i was waking up with this wierd tingly pins and needles feelling all over my body starting from my feet. my doctor says its nothing and probably anxiety but i dont know.

also i sometimes get this wierd sort of burning/tingly feeling in my throat and also that the tip of my nose has gone numb or tingly.

Ive been suffering a lot with anxiety recently over being i n love with my boyfriend, but that has passed and gone onto this. I also asked pepoe about panic attacks i used to have as a teenager about being a peadophile etc and have been told it soudns liek Pure O. ive never been clinically diagnosed with any of these things but they seem to make sense.

do you think these symptoms are just part of anxiety etC?


19-02-07, 19:11
Hi its anxiety babes. YOUR NOT CRACKING UP
People who go 'mad' dont know, so If you were you wouldnt know it and your completly aware you are!!!!!

I used to think that what I was thinking was the same as my sister, I thought we were so alike that I was sometimes her but not if you get me. I totally knew I wasnt my sister and knew it was me thinking but i just thoight we were alike. Knowing i was doing this made me sooooo much more anxious. BUT just as I was telling yself this I sort of argued with myself and let the positive thoughts of being anxiety etc. IT worked slowly. I am virtually free of anxiety know. I hope this makes sence xxx

20-02-07, 11:58
hey thanks for replying, it means a lot. I no its just my anxiety or ocd latching onto something else and it seems to be passing. god damn brain playing tricks on me!

21-02-07, 21:44
Hi, I've just found this website and can't believe so many people have the same symptoms as me. Don't worry about the numbness and tingles. I get awful tingles and numbness on the end of my nose, side of my face and chin. I quite often wake up with pins & needles in my right leg too. I was taken to A&E a couple of years ago with suspected stroke but my GP thought it was migraines. Have had two brain scans and all OK. Suffered with terrible dizziness and thought the numbess, etc was MS but again brain scans showed nothing thankfully. I get a strange feeling around my calf on the right leg and around my wrist, like its tight. It lasts for a few weeks (I've got it now as I'm anxious). When it started I thought it was MS again but after reading this website I know its not. I'm sure now that the suspected stroke was a panic attack as I've had it since on a few occasions. I'm sorry but I can't help with your other symptoms but hopefully put your mind at rest about some.

Deb :)

27-02-07, 16:56
blurgh getting freaked out again cus it keeps happening, im not even feeling that anxious and it jsut happens. its almost as if you say a word over and over and it souds wrong, but without actually doingt hat. someone said "the laser thing" today and it sounded wierd. WHY?! :-S

28-02-07, 21:39
I thinkk thats just anxiety. It happend to me as much as I didnt want it to and distracted myself. I have health anxiety now and then and I know the thoughts I get are completly irrational but they carry on.

It will pass, feel free to pm me

28-02-07, 22:19
Have a good read of the symptoms page and under the Welcome topic there is a common posts link.