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View Full Version : HA so bad this morning ! Loose stools with brown specks?

02-12-15, 10:23
Morning all. Every morning I wake up I feel more panicky and scared and I don't know why. I had to literally rush to the toilet to only find my stool was loose and when I wiped there was dark specks on the tissue! Of course this has caused me to be so paranoid and worried! I never even looked at my stools before I had all this anxiety! It's like one thing after the other atm! Has anyone else had this and it's turned out to be ok? I'm waiting to hear off the hospital to see a gastroenterologist so in the mean time I'm in constant fear. I'm only 23 I don't want to be worrying about my stools lol ! Any advice or a chat is appreciated.

02-12-15, 11:09
Im sure its nothing to worry about - its probably just particles of stool (if you've got loose stools I guess the rest is lighter in colour than usual)

If you're worried you could mention it to your doctor.

02-12-15, 11:22
Yes my stools are lighter in colour. I'm going to book an appointment for this afternoon if I can. Feel like I live there lol x