View Full Version : Too much paracetamol?

02-12-15, 10:42
Due to ibs pain I'm taking paracetamol 3-4 times a week. I take 2 at a time only once a day but I'm worried if over time this is too much?
The gas pain gets too much that I need to take it I'm not taking more than I should in 24 hours but it's got to thbe point where I take it a few times a week and I'm scared im taking too much :(

02-12-15, 10:47
I take a couple each day. One morning and one in evening,Thats generally for my muscular aches though.. I know that Paracetomol is kinder on the stomach than many other over counter medicines.

02-12-15, 10:57
Some people have to take it daily for the rest of their lives and some newborn babies have to have it every 6 hours for months. You won't overdose or damage your liver as long as you are not going above the recommended dose and only using when you have to. I hate taking any medication but my husband has been taking co codamol for his back now, daily, for about 6 months. Hope that helps

02-12-15, 11:04
You will be fine on a dose like that, I've taken 2 4 times a day at times.

The max is 1000mg per dose and no more than 4000mg per day. If you drink more than 3 alcoholic drinks it's half this but that may depend on the strength of the alcohol as well I guess. I used to know a guy when I was a young bloke at college and he used to down 8 and drink several cans to get a cheap night out and believe me he was buzzing all night and didn't need another drink!

02-12-15, 11:14
Taking 3/4 doses paracetamol per week is basically nothing.

02-12-15, 11:23
Thank you all so much I won't feel bad taking it now.
It eases my ibs so I can get on with my day so I need it x