View Full Version : What causes this?

fed up with it
19-02-07, 15:59
Hi i was out friday night, and i am not out much. I felt not bad, but when i took the kids to the toilet i passed a fruit machine and on the way back i put some money in it, i used to love playing them. While i was playing it i kept feeling like a weak turn like i had to move away from it it was quite bad. I was getting this really bad while away last year in an amusement arcade felt weak , dizzy panic symptoms with out the fear, now i can't understand why, is it the lights on the machine? does anyone else get this, i do get feelings like this in supermackets, any one help????

19-02-07, 23:38

I get this too in really bright false lighting, like supermarkets, I also get it really bad when I go to the movies, it's like a really overwhelming panicky feeling, I don't know why I get it, just glad I'm not on my own!

Birdi xxx

20-02-07, 03:44

I get the same as well with the supermarkets ahopping centres and cinemas etc. The movement of lights and objects can send you into a real spin and then the anxiety and panic follow.

I suffer from benign positional vertigo I was told that i had an imbalance in my eyes. I did some exercises for my eyes and have found that these have helped.


fed up with it
20-02-07, 09:12
Hi, thanks for that, was freaking me out thinking what it could be, although i have been diagnosed with vistibular migriane(don't get headache) just dizzy off balance so maybe its to do with that.

21-02-07, 01:31
Hi Carol,

It would be to do with the dizziness. I was told that because of the dizziness my eyes had been thorugh out of balance also.

I can explain to you the exercises that I was given if you would like them. I found these have really helped alot.


fed up with it
22-02-07, 14:36
Hi was told by a doctor it can be to do with the brain been over stimulated. (been on a fruit machine) would be good to know the exercises. thanks

22-02-07, 20:43
Yep my dizziness always happens in differnet lights and situations....strange!

23-02-07, 21:18
I've been diagnosed with benign post vertigo too!
...and the excercises changed my life!
Birdi xxx

24-02-07, 12:57
Could you please explain to me the benign post vertigo and the eye exercises. I have been suffering terrible dizziness and i have the symptoms of meneires disease. Am going to see a neurologist on 7th March, scared about this because if he wants me to have an MRI that's fine but i will not be able to have the dye injected into me, NO WAY!! How were you diagnosed please. My symptoms are really scary and they make me anxious and panicky. So i am really interested in your story, thanks.

fed up with it
24-02-07, 16:37
Hi angiebaby, i cant advice you on the exercise but, i too recently had an mri that my m.e consultant sent me for, and i refused to have any dye injected in me while i was having it done on the head and neck. They were fine about it, i am sure they will not force you to have it either:) mine did show any ultra white patch on my brain that apparently is nothing to worry about!?. i get dizzy spells also while looking at the computer screen, also like i said supermarkets and fruitmachines so she is going to send to a neurogist. hope this helps.

fed up with it
24-02-07, 16:41
Hi i also would like to know the symptoms of positional vertigo, when do you get the symptoms?? thanks