View Full Version : Hi there, just joined.

02-12-15, 14:03
Hi all,

Just found this site after typing in to google " is the chunnel a target for terrorists" I have been having panic attacks and suffererd from health anxiety for a few years now and feel i am making the world a much smaller place. I am soon going to be confined to travelling in the uk only if I dont start to chill out.

Due to go skiing on Monday but it could be the 4th holiday I have backed out of on the trot. Anybody else out there similar or have advice?

02-12-15, 14:09
Yes, I am the same. I love to list places I want to go and things i want to do but when it comes to going my health anxieties get in the way. I very nearly backed out of going to Spain this summer which included tears and panic attack in the airport and on the plane with people staring. My husband forced me to go and thank god he did because it was lovely holiday despite my health worries.

One thing someone did say to me is make sure you have good insurance and have declared everything - once you have you are safe as houses in Europe especially and the treatment is better than over here too!

i hope you will be able to go it is very very hard and I am sure there will be lots of people on here that can empathize.

02-12-15, 14:09
Hiya brambles1 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

02-12-15, 18:22

I have the same problem and have done for a few years now. It has been 3 years since I travelled abroad and backed out of a holiday last year because of my anxiety and ibs. Thankfully I had declared everything and managed to get back most of my money.

I have rebooked again for this year and have seeked extra CBT sessions to help me prepare and i am just going to go for it!!

Have you told the people you are travelling with about your anxiety? This helped me a great deal.

Hope you are feeling a bit better.

02-12-15, 20:38
Welcome :D
Amazing bunch of people on here made some lifelong friends .

02-12-15, 20:38
Hi there!

Not sure if I should say this or not but yes it is a target.

That's said, the chances of your being involved in a terrorist attack are minuscule. I mean like seriously tiny... You're more likely to be eaten by a shark.

02-12-15, 21:30

I have just joined too, and nothing wrong with this country for holidays if you feel you can't travel, where were you going to go skiing?