View Full Version : Panic lasting days....Help!

02-12-15, 16:58
Hello All,

I need some input please. Last week I went to the ER with chest pain. I got a complete check and everything was normal. I felt great and relieved after that. The chest pain literally dissipated.

Two days later I woke up with a pulse of 90. My resting rate is usually 65-70. I freaked out and could not sleep. Needless to say the increased pulse has persisted for three days. I keep checking it and it has not been below 80. Yesterday I woke up feeling trembly and it was 120BPM. I went to my doctor who says it is severe anxiety. He prescribed a very low dose beta blocker and a lorazepam which I use in emergencies. I took both last night and felt great! Went to bed and got a few hours of sleep. BUT then I woke up with an elevated pulse! Like 130BPM! I feel like my heart rate increases everyday and I am scared.

Has anyone had elevated heart rate persisting for days? I am beginning to think they missed someone in the ER.

Thanks guys,


02-12-15, 17:42
Hello Jeaneen,

elevated heart-rate is one of the lovely perks of anxiety, unfortunately. My heart-rate goes through the roof whenever I'm experiencing a panic attack or when my anxiety levels are high.

What I'd suggest, however, is to not take you pulse. The reason why I'm saying this is because you'll get so fixated on your physical symptoms that you'll start noticing more and more of them, and you'll drive yourself mad with the thoughts of 'what's wrong with me?!'. If you were to simply stop paying (so much) attention to your heart-rate, you'll find that it will get back to normal soon.

Remember, you're fuelling your anxiety by constantly thinking about it and giving it importance.

I hope you feel better :)

02-12-15, 17:57
Hi there,

I know what you are going through I've been in a state of severe panic for the last week and Ana is right as hard as it is try to stop taking your pulse. A normal resting heart rate can be anywhere up to 100 and when exercising (or during a stress response like you experience) it can be much higher and still cause no problems.

Have a look at this it may reassure you: maximum heart rates (http://www.heart.org/HEARTORG/GettingHealthy/PhysicalActivity/FitnessBasics/Target-Heart-Rates_UCM_434341_Article.jsp#)

Once you've seen the maximum is nearly double what you are worrying about try and let it go or maybe just check once per day after doing something which relaxes you?

02-12-15, 17:59
Is it really that easy? I am so afraid I will have this elevated pulse forever.

---------- Post added at 17:59 ---------- Previous post was at 17:57 ----------

I do hot yoga and my pulse was over 200BPM. Should this not be of concern?

Thanks guys, these answers and suggestions are appreciated.

02-12-15, 18:11
It really is that easy. :) Convincing yourself that it's that easy is the hard part.

I'm sure that the rational portion of your brain is aware of the fact that you can't have elevated pulse forever. Anxiety blurs the lines between rational and irrational thoughts.

However, if you are really worried about your heart, perhaps you could go for an ECG. Otherwise, please try and resist the temptation to take your pulse

02-12-15, 18:17
I had two last week because I went to the hospital with chest pain. The thing is.....I KNOW that I am fine. You are so right about the line of rationality and irrationality being blurred. I have always had health anxiety that comes and goes but nothing has been this challenging. It makes it hard to focus on work and it is hurting my relationship with my partner. I am determined to get past this. But that feeling and question of "will I ever get past this?" is so persistent.

Thanks again. I try not to come on here often. But it's nice to be reminded that others have gone thru this too. And I love hearing what helps other calm down. Thanks for keeping it positive. :yesyes:

02-12-15, 18:27
Sure, and it's actually a good idea to come on here to read about people's experiences. It makes you feel less alone, and it's comforting to hear that the things you are worried about are actually quite common.

It's fantastic that you've had ECG, and that you're fine! :)
When anxiety works its (black) magic, all you can focus on is yourself, your own symptoms, it turns all of your attention inwards. However, the better you get at managing it, the easier it will become. :)

Take care xx