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View Full Version : Chas Dingle in Emmerdale

02-12-15, 19:36
Did anyone watch last night's episode with Chaz Dingle covering a story with someone that is suffering from PTSD?

If you were brave enough to watch it, I wonder what your views were?

I have to admit that I found it quite disturbing to watch, but my Mum is an avid Emmerdale fan and I just happened to be in the room when it came on.

Do you think the 'Soaps' are going to far with covering such sensitive subjects or do you think it is a good thing?

03-12-15, 05:30
Hi Carnation,

It's been a while since I've watched Emmerdale. Whats the storyline? If it's about Chaz portaying it, she's been through some traumatic stuff and being a Dingle, put others through it willingly or by covering things up.

I do think that the standard of acting is better in Emmerdale when it comes to mental health issues. Zak did well with his depression, whatever was the issue with Bell was well acted and Aaron acted well in his self harm phase. (I know very little about self harm though so I have no idea how accurate the writing was).

I did think there were the usual issues with soap writing e.g. Zak seemed to go away for ages and when he felt himself slipping he was re-admitted which I doubt happens in the NHS, and I remember Bell's doctor saying bipolar but she went through a very tramatic experience and was interacting with her deceased best friend which seemed more like a psychotic episode and made me think of schizophrenia.

But if you compare those 3 actors to Steve McDonald, the writing was better as we all remember his panic attack ("ooh, I feel a bit breathless") which involved no fear whatsoever and his bus crash panic attack which didn't seem plausable either and lets face it, anyone could haver reacted that way so I loathed how they use depression to link to for someone who ran from helping others as if to say people with depression are weak! :doh:

I find myself surprised really because Emmerdale is well known to be closer to Hollyoaks in it's over the top writing whereas Corrie has always been more realistic and yet it's more the opposite with mental health although Emmerdale is stilll sensationalist in nature.

03-12-15, 16:07
I thought it was really powerful, bit disturbing as you say, but good and well acted.
I agree with MynameisTerry about the Corrie's take on depression.
Chas is such a strong character, nothing really fazes her, but seeing her crumble and begging Aaron for help brought a tear to my eye.

I think showing storylines like that encourages people to find help if they recognise signs, that's why they give helpline numbers or websites as the credits are rolling.

28-12-15, 23:49
I've been watching this for a couple of days and I can see no trace of Chas having anxiety or panic. Has it been done and resolved in true soap fashion?

29-12-15, 19:50
It's been and gone Terry. Blink and you'll miss it. :huh:
You know how it is in soaps. First class treatment that cures you and your life is back to normal with no relapses and every is hunky dory again. :mad:

29-12-15, 22:04
What a joke, as usual. There is nothing wrong with her. Her family would be a major trigger with all their schemes, the police chasing her son, etc. There is no way she would get over any anxiety/panic disorder quickly with all that going on.

Another TV farce. Lip service to mental health issues.

29-12-15, 23:22
Get a complaint put in lol