View Full Version : Swollen lymph nodes for 1 1/2 years

02-12-15, 20:19
Hi everyone

I am new to this forum, I just had to come somewhere to vent a little bit. I have suffered from anxiety for some time and it comes in bouts. I am in my first year of nursing school, and I'm getting married soon. I am to nervous to tell anyone how worried I really about this because no one in my family think it's serious as I have had no other symptoms along with this swelling.

For about the last year and a half I have had a swollen lymph node in my neck, a few more have shown up since but only in my neck. I have become obsessed with googling about swollen lymph nodes and I'm driving myself crazy but I am to worried to go to the doctor.

Thanks for letting me vent!

03-12-15, 07:28
Just wanted you to know that I have had similar lymph node for over a year too. Mine swells then go down and goes up and then down. I showed it to my doctor one time before and he gave me antibiotics and then sent me to an ent and he said he didn't think it was nothing but on going dental issues, but sometimes it seems to go all the way down almost and then pops back up. I see bunches of post on here about lymph nodes so we aren't alone for sure. Hope you feel better soon. I wouldn't worry about it too much unless it gets really big and then you might go to the doctor and get some antibiotics and see what is going on but im pretty sure its nothing. If it was most of the world would be seriously ill. I read somewhere that anxiety could cause lymph nodes to swell too. Anyway take care .