View Full Version : Terrible anxiety tonight

03-12-15, 04:33
I haven't had a HA episode like this in almost a year. Started a while ago with a congested ear/inner pulsation that has struggled to go away even after seeing the doctor and starting meds. Then a random occurrence of blurred vision in my right eye which I began constantly monitoring, which made me conscious of a floater in my eye as well. Now the last two nights my legs have been achy at night, and I have felt some jelly legs and weakness. And I'm just freaking out, feeling once again like I'm falling apart and scared and unable to talk myself down. This is so frustrating and now I feel like on the verge of a panic attack.

03-12-15, 05:37
Hi there, I've been having ear problems too for the last 3 1/2 months so know how you are feeling. I got a blurry eye with t too, really freaked me out at first. Had an eye test the other weekend though and all was fine so I figured it must be to do with the illness.

It is quite likely that the weak leg feeling is from your anxiety, I've had his too especially when I am really stressed and panicky. Do you think you can try some relaxation exercises or breathing techniques to help you relax?