View Full Version : Woke up feeling anxious

03-12-15, 07:27

I have woke uo in an anxious state all over work. I have been awake since 4.30 this morning going over work and literally having the conversation that I am expecting to happen. I know deep down this is not right because a) it might not happen b) I don't know what another person will say and c) I think I have spiralled this out of control.

But now I have had the thoughts I can't not have them I was almost sick this morning. I think I could talk to my manager but I am not sure that I trust her to not do what I imagine her doing. It is worse too because my colleague seems to get away with everything.

How do I stop feeling like this and constantly seeking reassurance over everything. I am pretty sure my friends at work are fed up of me whinging now but I can't help it I feel so close to tears all the time.

I can actually pinpoint this to not wanting to work with my colleague but I don't want to move teams or leave the company I just want to not feel sad all the time

Thanks for reading


03-12-15, 07:55
Sorry to hear about your troubles :(

I also woke up feeling anxious today. I'm trembling and had to force my breakfast down.

Can you be more specific about what the problem is?

03-12-15, 08:03

Stuff has happened at work which have been dealt with in my opiniin, however I am anxious and think that my manager will bring up old stuff and say that as I don't work well with my colleague it will be used as a way to get rid of me and I don't want to lose my job. It seems everything I do is wrong while my coleague gets away with everything.

Not sure what to do about it


03-12-15, 08:27
I see. It sounds a bit like you're catastophising.

You have decided your manage will bring this up and you will lose your job.

So, has that happened to anyone before?
Could you ask your manager for help with 'working well' with colleagues?
Do you work in a sector where firing people is so easy?
If you were fired, would you be able to get another job?

03-12-15, 14:12

Not sure of the protocol but I have been here 3 years so they have to go down the correct procedures.
I don't think I could ask for help from my manager as I would fear the consequences
Not sure how easy it is to fire people and yes I think I could get another job

03-12-15, 14:47
They haven't given you a written warning or a verbal warning?

03-12-15, 18:33
No nothing like that, I just don't get on with a colleague although we did social talk this afternoon and things were a bit better. I actually felt ok until my manager rearranged my year end appraisal without telling me why (it has literally changed from Monday to Thursday in the same week). I think this is because that on the Monday work could be mega busy, so she needs to free her time up, which is also something I could use to prove she does not communicate with me.