View Full Version : Breast Clinic today at 4pm - biopsy???

03-12-15, 09:26
Hi all,
Went to my GP two weeks ago regarding a lump on my breast that I'd noticed a few weeks back. She said she felt a marble type lump which she presumes is a fibroadenoma because I have lots of those as ultrasounds have showed in the past. She referred me to the breast clinic and my appointment is today. I am so scared that they will want to biopsy the lump, I have a massive fear of painful medical procedures and having watched the procedure 'Core needle biopsy' on youtube it looks horrific. Up until now I've done quite well with just getting on with life but today I'm absolutely dreading it. I really hope the consultant will just have a feel, then do an ultrasound and I'll be able to leave knowing it's fine. I really really hope I don't have to have a needle shot through my boob. This lump feels different from my fibroadenomas which worries me.

Anyone out there had a core needle biopsy and can tell me it's not that bad?

03-12-15, 09:41
Why did you watch it? Bless you, I haven't had this procedure, but if I'd watched a video of labour it's unlikely I'd be a mother now.
Don't jump too far ahead of yourself, they may not even want to do that test so worrying isn't going to help.
I'm certain that they'll make you as comfortable as possible, I'm always honest about my anxiety and this has been to my benefit. Good luck for today, if you do need the test, close your eyes and take deep breaths.