View Full Version : I'm new and need a little help

03-12-15, 09:54
This is the first time I've posted on here, but have spent hours and hours reading through all your posts. So firstly can i thank this website and everyone using it for reassuring me whenever I've had a didferent problem or symptom, it helps to read that loads of you have had the same.
I've suffered from health anxiety for about 7 months now, but this month it has got a lot worse. I'm 22 and female.

My main problem is I'm absolutely convinced I have a brain tumour (along with a couple other things) I get headaches most days (not particularly severe ones) sharp pains in my head quite often, dizziness, a very stiff neck, lately I feel like my limbs are weak but still aren't sure if I'm imagining that or not. And sometimes weird vision. I went for an eye test two weeks ago and found that need glasses for distance but nothing major. But then the optician did the looking in the backs of my eyes thing, and obviously after reading up on brain tumours every day I know that this is where they can see if there is pressure or swelling etc. He said to me afterwards 'one of your optic nerves is slightly different to your other has an optician told you this before?' Seen as I have probably only had 2 eye tests my whole life when I was younger I can't remember at all and neither can my mum. He said it was fine and to just come back in 6 months to see if there's any changes. I really want to know if anyone has had this said to them at an eye exam before because as you can imagine this has made me worried sick and positive it's a tumour :( Ive asked loads of people about it and some think it's strange and others seem to think it's fine. I can't stop thinking about it! I've been to the doctors twice about headaches but both times they haven't seemed concerned.
Help :(

03-12-15, 10:09
I haven't had this but I was referred straight to the eye infirmary about a mark on my eye (turned out to be a birthmark which had just developed), I guess what I'm trying to say is that I don't think they'd take risks. They are the experts, give them a call and ask the optician to explain in more detail what that means, it's difficult at the time to take in information and think of the questions you want to ask. 6 month is a long time to dwell on this so try to nip it in the bud quick.

03-12-15, 11:15
I went through this when I was 16/7.

I thought I had a brain tumour/CJD/flesh eating disease. Went to the doctors countless times. Eventually saw a Councillor who really helped me out.

I can say that if you're pretty young and healthy and have no family history of it then it's extreeeeeemely unlikely.

03-12-15, 13:18
Thankyou for your replies. Yeah at the time I just went nervous and didn't dare ask much. I'm thinking about going back in and maybe just explaining I'm anxious about it. I have this constant struggle with myself because half of me tells me to stop being so silly and forget about it but the other half of me thinks well it may be rare but it has to happen to somebody so why wouldn't it be me?? Plus the headaches all the time only make me much more anxious and therefore a vicious cycle. Sigh!

03-12-15, 13:43
I have this constant struggle with myself because half of me tells me to stop being so silly and forget about it but the other half of me thinks well it may be rare but it has to happen to somebody so why wouldn't it be me??

Everyone with anxiety has this struggle I think. The rational brain losing out to the 'emotional' brain'.

AS for your headaches well...

GAD can also have a number of physical symptoms, including:

dizziness (http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/dizziness/pages/introduction.aspx)
a noticeably strong, fast or irregular heartbeat (palpitations (http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/heart-palpitations/pages/introduction.aspx))
muscle aches and tension
trembling or shaking
dry mouth (http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/dry-mouth/Pages/Introduction.aspx)
excessive sweating
shortness of breath
stomach ache
feeling sick
pins and needles (http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/Pins-and-needles/Pages/Introduction.aspx)
difficulty falling or staying asleep (insomnia (http://www.nhs.uk/Conditions/Insomnia/Pages/Introduction.aspx))

04-12-15, 23:37
I have had headaches everyday for five months. I have seen 5 docs, including a neurologist. I keep hearing there is nothing for me to worry about, but I worry. I can't help it. Anytime I read on a forum that someone else is having headaches everyday, I always want to ask them about their symptoms. Would you mind describing your headaches? I have yet to come across anyone with the same head pains that I have. Thank you. :)

05-12-15, 11:39
Hey! Sorry to hear your experiencing headaches too I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. I also spend a lot of time searching on here for symptoms like mine. I've had these headaches for a good few months now on and off. Most of the time it feels like a tension headache so it'll be accompanied with a really sore stiff neck and tops of shoulders aswell. But then I also get a lot of really strange pains and little 'zaps' in my head, usually in the same few spots at either the back of my head on the left or right hand side but sometimes on top too. Sometimes I can be at work and I'll just get this weird pain in my head just for a second and then I worry about it for hours afterwards. they're really hard to explain!! Are your headaches really awful? Mine are never to the point where I have to stay in bed or anything they are just more really annoying or just even a 'feeling' in the back of my head and the more I think about it the worse it gets. Do you ever wonder aswell if your imagining them or not ? I read some of your posts and notice about your neck worries about glands. I've had this too!!! I'm
Positive there are lumps in my neck which didn't used to be there and have had my mum feeling them numerous times who says they are normal but I feel them so much maybe I make them worse I don't know. Were you anxious before the headaches or did you get the headaches first which brought on the anxiety??? I've been to the doctors a few times and she's never seemed concerned. And my boyfriend and mum never take it seriously either I'm always saying I think I have a brain tumour. Sometimes I'm absolutely convinced I have one without a doubt and have completely sleepless nights over it then other times I feel good and am sure it could just be anxiety. But it's very tiring :( hope this helps abit? If you want to talk more we can :)