View Full Version : The power of the mind

19-02-07, 17:09
I never knew the mind could be soooooo powerful, the choking throat/lump there, the jerking yourself awake, the feelings of temprature variations, twisting of guts, etc... they seem to come from nowhere. I have hallucinations (sp) as well with mine, but it is just sinking in how my own mind could have had my living in terror... I need to learn to manage them now. When I heard the doctor telling my I was suffering from PA's I heard but was not sure I believed, but after reading the sypmtons, am amazed at their accuracy...

this is all going take time to sink in, but I hope I can now recondition the mind to stop sending all these sensations to the rest of the body :w00t2:

19-02-07, 18:16
Hi, I'm in pretty much the same place as you at the moment. Thought I would drop in and say you are not alone! For me this is a comforting place to be right now. It doesn't seem like I am going crazy after all.

19-02-07, 18:32
It is indeed powerful and I have had some frightening and strange experiences over the past three years.

I have noticed that since I have learnt more about anxiety, the stranger symptoms don't seem to happen and it they have become more 'boring' yet painful and scary all the same.

19-02-07, 19:22
I understand the place is at the moment so hard. I too have been there. It was a difficult time but you have to try and stay positive. I know sometimes its sooooo hard but it can be done. I have virtually done it. I do have anxiety sometimes where I think I may have bi-polar or something silly but a couple of days later im like.....urgh silly cow! etc.

Im writing this to say basically....you can do it!! How I am now is amazing to what I was before. I have been on medication- they helped me put things into perspective and persoanlly there the best thing i did.

Good luck feel free to pm me any time xxx