View Full Version : Little pieces of food getting stuck in throat. Am I just becoming paranoid?

03-12-15, 15:52
Okay, this might seem like a stupid question but, for the past month and a few days, I have been having this lump in the throat feeling and sometimes it gets worse and becomes like a feeling that someone is strangling me, just where the adam's apple is.

I don't know if it's because I've been focusing too much on it or what, but lately I also notice that when I'm eating stuff like nuts, rice or chicken, some small pieces of food get like stuck in the back of my throat (pharynx) and a bit lower, and they don't go fully down until I swallow one or two more times. Since I have only recently started paying attention to this, I don't know if this is just normal or not.

Is it abnormal for some small pieces of food to get stuck in the back of the throat like this, or am I just letting anxiety play tricks on me and it's perfectly normal?

Thank you in advance.

03-12-15, 15:57
I had this at the start of the year. Even felt a lump appear.

Have you checked this out?