View Full Version : Anxiety about house

03-12-15, 20:36
Hey everyone, my latest turn with anxiety has now translated to worry about my home. This Monday I noticed a burning smell in one of my bedrooms and it ended up one of the filters in my aquarium had developed a leak and it ran down the cord to the electrical outlet. Big panic time, I unplugged it and my brother came over later to replace the outlet. Problem solved, anxiety not so much.

Ever since then I have been worrying, what if I hadn't been home, etc. Also I had a problem a few years ago with a mouse in the attic that chewed through an electrical wire. It caused a short and had to have an electrician replace the wire. Well, lately I have trapped a couple mice that came in ( I live in the country and field mice are common around here). I wasn't worried about the eletrical before but now with the filter incident I got to thinking about the mice and have been very anxious about the possibility of a repeat of what I went through before. I was very anxious when it happened back then too.

I am also worried about several unfinished projects I have around the house, like trim that needs put up, flooring that needs replaced. I'm a diy person, but have problems finishing things sometimes. Suddenly I am very focused on all that is wrong with my home, I have some clutter in my garage and a spare bedroom, even that is bugging me now. My anxious thoughts are making me think my house is a total wreck and a danger, definite catastrophic thinking going on here. I know I can finish the projects and tidy the clutter, but now I'm feeling overwhelmed and can't seem to get moving.

Any thoughts of how to get past this recent thinking? Thanks.

04-12-15, 13:36
Your house should have electrical protection devices installed so in the event of a naughty mouse etc, when you're not at home, the fault simply disconnected your electricity. Can't be safer than that can it ? :)

So there's just a few unfinished projects hanging over your mood. Just choose one and do it this weekend. Then choose another one and do that one over the next 48hrs. I can get this horrible feeling when there are things I'm not doing on my to do list too. But I can also get this great feeling when I've gradually ticked these things off. I build up momentum and really prefer the feeling of being productive, clearing the decks and moving forward. It's just important to push against that resistance and get started on something.

04-12-15, 14:22
Thanks, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer. Yeah that's my problem is getting started. I look around and feel so overwhelmed that I don't do anything. Or my anxiety is up and I get into freeze mode ( out of flight fright or freeze). Unfortunately it is up right now too..

My sister is actually coming over tonight to help me with one of the projects, so I'm hoping that gives me a push to get things started.

04-12-15, 14:23
That's good advice from Oosh. We have had the house rewired recently with the electric protection boxes installed. We have a lot of jobs that need doing from the aftermath of up having floor boards up, but are doing a bit at a time.
The house is a bit of a tip at the moment, but there worse things at sea!
I am not bothered I am in fact passed caring :huh: