View Full Version : Hi everyone

03-12-15, 20:46
Hi everyone

I am suffering from major anxiety, as a very good chance I may have picked up HIV.

I will not bore you with the symptoms as they could be related to other things,

but the person I was with adviced me to get a full screening.

I did pick up another sti, so on anibitoics from them but been 3 weeks now.

and just like to know

Can anxiety

Make your legs week,

Shivering and feel cold

pins and needles type of thing in arms and feet, sometimes like a stinging thing.

I tried swimming today and could not fully use my legs as it was putting too much effort into it.

sore throat

feeling itchy

stiff neck

Most of these come and go during the day

I know most of these can be a form of anxiety but wondered if they could be any other course apart from anxiety.

Before this incident, when I was on holiday the holiday tour guide. saw I was shaking, hands and asked if I suffer from anxiety, I did say yer, I am a big worrier
A little thing can make me panic and scared.

I think this maybe lack of confidence.

also I need a midday nap as my engerey level gets so low

thanks for the help

03-12-15, 20:53
Everything you are listing sounds like anxiety to me. I am a long time sufferer but not a doctor. Go get the screening and talk to your doctor about anxiety. Good luck

03-12-15, 23:21
Thanks for information.

I am going for a blood test in 2 weeks time when its 5 week mark which will be a good indication of what result should be.

Anxiety can be very nasty, But got to remain positive. Whatever the outcome.
I do have a swollen gland which did go down after a weeks strong antibiotics.
but still there but cant see it anymore

I will keep you all imformed and know where to come if I need more help.

for now more relaxed as starting to think its all just me.

03-12-15, 23:28
Sounds like anxiety to me too.

If you get infected with HIV I think you get like major flu symptoms, don't you?

04-12-15, 14:40
They do say you can have no symptoms at all, or can be very mild.

I just get myself worked up too much worrying about getting it, ok these days it can be managed but can be difficult.

The swollen gland in neck, is my main concern.

all others might be linked to worry.

but thinking I getting a cold, as sniffles unless this also can be a sign of anxinity.

thanks for all the adivce and comments,

I know I made a mis-judgment but just all the symptoms are just anxity.

so just to re-cap on what I am going through. I know you can not comment or give medical adivce but wondering if anyone had similar

chlamydia (I know this can only be picked up from sex and main thing triggering these attacks.)
swollen gland in neck (another thing making me panic) so think these are causing the following.

weak legs, weak arms (not all the time) hands shake when resting, pin and needles type of tingerling effect in hands.
sore throat again not all the time
tirdness comes and goes, more tired for minutes or upto an hour
Exhausted for an hour,
waking up in swet.
not been able to think about anything else.

I know I will not be able to change the main thing what ever the result, but gosh wish I could get a test done sonner but dont want a false negative result.

04-12-15, 15:09
Surely if you have been diagnosed with anotehr STI they would have screened you automatically for HIV wouldn't they, which would suggest you must be OK?

04-12-15, 15:35
They did screen but i was too early to show the incident,
it was only 12 days post incident

it needs at least 28 days for a better result as antibodies would or should have produced in many cases,

so going back after post 28 days for another test.

to then Going to try and remain calm

04-12-15, 15:37
That's all you can do, worrying won't change the result. Good luck x

05-12-15, 04:43
I too had this same worry, but unlike you I carried the worry with me for far too long (over a year). You're doing the right thing and there's a very high likelihood you will be fine.

Those things you bring up can be anxiety. I got what I thought were nodes, but weren't at all after seeing the doctor. Also I had pins and needles in feet and hands, but we're just anxiety.

Good luck and you'll be ok.

05-12-15, 04:55
It's actually relatively hard to pass on HIV from penetrative sex. A little more likely if you did it anally.