View Full Version : Dental Anxiety

03-12-15, 20:51

Can anyone help as I am feeling anxious at my dental check up. I am building myself up into a state over what might happen. My fear is I will be told I need teeth taking out which terrifies me as I don't want a gappy mouth. Iknow this sounds vain but I am not the most confident person and feeling self conscious about it will make me worse


03-12-15, 22:05
I can totally relate to how you are feeling. I went to the dentist yesterday and was really nervous thinking that they were going to pull one of my back molars out. He said it might be a root canal (which is equally terrifying). But it actually ended up being ok and he was a good dentist. Also, he said it is a very big cavity and he can save it which helped. I think the most important thing is to have a patient and sympathetic dentist who understands your fears. I have had jerks before as dentists who didn't even freeze me and drilled into my teeth when I was a child and was traumatized. If your dentist is not understanding then go to another one. Also, if you have insurance, get put under or have some kind of relaxant. Having someone work on your teeth is, for obvious reasons distressing, but necessary for having great health and you have to do it. And when you are done you will be proud of yourself for getting it done and over with. I have about 3,000 dollars worth or work left to do on my mouth right now but it needs to be done. I think the scariest part is just getting in there. They have so many things they can do now to make sure you aren't in pain. Ask your dentist what your options are. Hope it goes well.

03-12-15, 22:17
Dear Chocolateface,
I used to have the same fears like you do, before I stumbled into a serious health issue. Whatever your dental problem is, it can be cured. If you are too scared, just ask for anasthetics and then you won't feel a thing. I wish you best of luck at your checkup. I also think your mouth will stay intact:hugs: