View Full Version : Digestion problems

03-12-15, 21:43
Hi there I haven't been on here for a long time and have been coping just . Last time I was on I was having terrible digestion problems and doctor gave me hellicobacter treatment as I had tested positive for the bug . I completed the treatment and things did improve but stomach has never been the same. Fast forward now I'm having terrible symptoms again I have heartburn and nausea and the worst feeling of all is the constant need to burp I feel I have this constant ball of wind in my top part of stomach at solar plexus also feel like a tightening there too it is awfull . I feel so uncomfortable when I sit or lie down as I feel all this swishing about like liquid in my stomach . 2 weeks ago I took a stomach bug nausea running too bathroom lasted a few days but the nausea continued and being off my food still. Now before the bug my stomach had been playing up and thought it was irratable bowel but since the bug a few weeks ago my stomach is a mess. I mentioned to the doctor if it could be the hellicobacter back again but he said he doubted it and thinks it all anxiety as I have been in a state thinking I have stomach cancer. He gave me anti acids but they make me dizzy and more anxious. I really am at my wits end this horrid feeling of wind in top part of my stomach and going up to my chest is awful. Any advice? And anyone else suffering this bad . Thanks xx

03-12-15, 23:41
I'm sorry you're having a rough time. I can completely relate to how you're feeling at the moment. I, too, have been having digestive issues for the past month and are still ongoing. My problem is excess stomach acid that I've basically brought on through my anxiety (I had this horrid gnawing/hunger sensation every waking minute and I also thought I had stomach cancer!). I also had the feeling of wind in my chest. I found that drinking hot water seemed to help relieve it and bring the wind up - have you tried that?

I am beginning to feel better from my original symptoms, but now my bowels are grumbling and I'm getting an uncomfortable feeling in my abdomen. The rational side of me that I don't listen to is telling me that's a side effect of omeprazol I've been prescribed (not helped because I've had a cold for the past week and not been taking my medication everyday) but my anxiety riddled brain is trying to convince me it's bowel cancer!

Anxiety really can cause you to have all sorts of symptoms, especially issues with your digestive system it seems. Personally, for me, it's brought on severe heartburn that lasted for almost a week, an overactive bladder that I had for months, headaches, stomach aches and now, most recently, excess stomach acid. I know how difficult it is to remain calm and think rationally when you think there's something seriously wrong, but I usually try to give it some time to see if it settles down on its own before going to the doctor. Maybe give this a little bit more time? Especially if you're recovering from a stomach bug as from having the norovirus, that took me weeks to feel better from.

03-12-15, 23:55
Hi thanks so much for your reply . It really is awful isn't it. I'm sorry you are having a rough time too . My bowel too is playing up but not as much as my top part of stomach . I'm lying in my bed trying to sleep but the acid is so bad I too have a knowing ache above my navel. It's not helping that I haven't been eaten much as I just can't face it and that will surely produce more acid? But when I eat I feel so uncomfortable the wind builds and build in my upper stomach and chest . Really is unbearable . I've been given lansoprazle but haven't taken those ones yet as scared of side effects as just rennies and gavisvcon don't agree with me. Really freaking out xx

04-12-15, 02:58
I'm no doctor, so don't take my word as gospel, but I myself figured that not eating likely makes it worse, since the acid then has nothing to digest. Though just stick to something plain like crackers or toast and drink plenty of water.

I again know exactly how you feel with taking medication; I tend to worry if the medication doesn't work then I have to go back to the doctor and end up having loads of tests. Makes matters worse, I can't swallow tablets so I have to empty it out into yoghurt and take it like that - it's not fun! But really, you should take it, especially if it's been prescribed to you. I believe your medication is similar to omeprazol, so it'll be to calm the stomach acid down. I appreciate the side effects are a worry, but I sometimes think, 'I can't exactly feel any worse!'

04-12-15, 19:45
Thank you for your reply again . I was back at docs today he said again it anxiety and gave me omeprazole now. The burning and burping weren't as bad today but it started about a hour ago that horrid burning feeling it ruins my night x