View Full Version : New Here

19-02-07, 18:13
Hi everyone.

I'm a married 31 year old mom of two and I've suffered from panic attacks since I was 15, with breaks in between.

I work for myself and have been married quite a while now. My oldest boy is 8 and the youngest is 6. Anyway I thought it would be really nice to see if anyone else is going through what I am so I did an internet search and found you guys.

I look forward to reading and writing posts.

19-02-07, 18:17
Glad you found us here!

Take care and hope you gain a great deal of support from us.

19-02-07, 18:28
Hi Gutsy,

A big warm welcome to you.

19-02-07, 19:18
elo Gutsy,

A big welcome to the site..great support n advice here..glad to have ya on board x

19-02-07, 20:53
a big hello Gutsy, it's great to share.... I'm sure we will learn a lot here...

19-02-07, 20:55
wellcome to the forum :)

19-02-07, 22:45
A Warm Welcome to the forum. I hope we can be of help.

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X

19-02-07, 23:09
Hi Gutsy , Welcome to NMP . Take Care , Dusky x

20-02-07, 15:23

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends,

Take care

Trac xx

20-02-07, 15:26
Hi Gutsy,

Welcome to the site and i look forward to reading your posts and hopefully chatting.

Take care

shirley xx

20-02-07, 15:48
just wanted to say hi and welcome to the forum you will meet some lovely people here

20-02-07, 17:45
Hi Gutsy

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some lovely caring people and gets loads of support and advice.