View Full Version : Update

03-12-15, 21:52
My anxiety has calmed down and my health is a lot better because of it. I've got a new job and it's taken a lot of the stress away. No panic attacks as of yet and my throat is much better then it was. I Am a little stressed about my body image again which is something I've got to deal with. I think it's actually how I see myself and how I feel about myself rather then how others view me. I wouldn't say its in my head as such but insecurities that I have about myself. I need more confidence in myself instead of beating myself up about things I can't really change. Obsessions can be a bad thing can't they. For now I can get on with life without over worrying about things which is great, I just hope it lasts like this cos it's great.

04-12-15, 13:28
I'm glad things are improving for you :)

Self image is a pain. I've always struggled with it too. My mood can rocket or plummet depending on how I saw myself.

I've found it therapeutic in the past digging up child pictures of myself. It's sort of the authentic, out of the box, you before all the crap got added. Before you were negatively judged by yourself or others, before you compared yourself negatively with others etc etc etc

It's really great that you're enjoying your new job.

04-12-15, 13:35
Think you're replacing one anxiety with another and overthinking things.

I think once you're settled in your new job these issues should pass.:hugs:

04-12-15, 16:07

Great news! I'm sure your body image concern will stabilise, but well done you!