View Full Version : Mirt and ME / Chronic Fatigue

04-12-15, 04:22
Hi, I've recently been prescribed Mirt as I'm experiencing an anxiety/depression fuelled mini breakdown and which stopped me sleeping due to obsessive thinking and anxiety mainly.

I'm a little concerned about the foggy sedative side effects of Mirt. Having pretty severe ME I spend a lot of the day horizontal already, I don't relish adding to that. Also, I've found that most drugs that cause anything like a high, stoned, spaced out effect generally cause anxiety for me. Sedatives I've tried in the past have had the opposite effect as the feeling of being out of it just raise my anxiety.

So I just wanted to know if there is anyone here with ME that has had a positive experience on Mirt. And to ask in general what the spacey, foggy, side effect is like for general users.

04-12-15, 04:47
The foggy side-effect is said to be related to the anti-histamine effect of mirtazapine, so like the drowsiness from sedative anti-histamines. Fortunately, most people adjust to this within a week or two.

04-12-15, 12:12
Thanks for the response. Is that your personal experience with Mirt?

04-12-15, 17:23
I was only groggy and a bit dizzy for 2 days, I start work at 7am mon to Fri and I never overslept and to was able drive to work, I would not drive if I was to groggy.

I have been taking Mirt for 5 weeks now I take it at 9pm usually asleep by 10.30pm and don't wake up until 5.45am, after a few stretches and a coffee and shower I am ready for the day with no tiredness.

04-12-15, 18:03
Grogginess can be a problem, especially at first. Unless it's a problem for you, I find a cup of coffee or 2 in the morning can help a lot to counteract this.
